Suna x Osamu

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Character: Suna Rintarou and Miya Osamu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: It was you
Request: QSeonghyun
The reader is super shy and a violinist

(Third pov)

It was another day after school at Inazaraki high and currently, Osamu and Suna were walking down one of the many hallways of the school. It was quiet but it wasn't the type of quiet where you could feel some type of tension or awkwardness between them. It was more of the quiet where it's comfortable and you could tell that they didn't even need to talk.

As they turned down one of the hallways to get to the gym they couldn't help but stop. They looked at each other as if to confirm what they heard wasn't just a figment of their imagination. They began to follow the sound and as they got closer it got louder and louder until they stopped in front of a door. They settled their ears against the door and began to listen to the beautiful melody coming from the room

(Play song from 0:00 to 1:27)

They couldn't help but feel drawn to the melody which ended up with Osamu opening the door to see who was in there but as soon as he did everything went quiet. They peeked their heads in and to their surprise it was as if no one was there. The room looked deserted. They furrowed their eyebrows and closed the door and left. Before having heard the melody their heads were clear the only thing in their mind was getting to volleyball practice but now their minds were full of questions as they made their way to practice.

*time skip*

It was a couple of weeks after the incident and there was a sense of deja vu for Osamu and Suna as they made their way to the gym for practice down the hallway where they first heard the melody. Even weeks after their minds often wander back to the melody. They have been walking down the hallway every day after school to maybe hear the melody again but to their disappointment, they haven't heard it since.

They genuinely thought it was going to be another day where they walked down the hallway and wouldn't get to hear the melody. But to their surprise, they heard it again. They looked at each other in pure excitement before quickly following after the sound. They stopped right in front of the same door and then once again they put their ears against the door and listened.

(Play from 1:38 to 2:39)

Suna was quick to open the door and once again to their disappointment it was as if the room was deserted. They walked inside the room and started to look around. They looked at each other and Suna spoke up, "Osamu are we going crazy?" Osamu shook his head and shrugged just as confused as Suna was.

But what they didn't know was that there was a boy with soft (h/t) (h/l) (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes and a beautiful face. Everyone in the school knew him as kind and quite a prince. He was gorgeous and everyone knew that. He wasn't only known for his good looks he was also known for his kindness, how talented he was, and how smart he was. But he was so shy to meet new people so when he practices he made sure he was near a desk where he could hide. Being a petite person he was he was able to do that with no difficulty.

When he heard the footsteps of the boys begin to leave he was quick to get up and make the effort to see who the boys were who now come in twice as he practiced. He opened the door to his practice room and peeked his head out and to his surprise, it was Osamu and Suna from the volleyball team. He stood there in shock as he saw them walk away from his practice room looking dejected.

The boy couldn't help but feel bad as he had now hidden away from them twice and left them disappointed but his shyness didn't allow him to speak up as the boys left his sight.

*time skip*

It had now been two months since the boys last heard the melody. But now they were standing along with their teammates since there was a school assembly. Each club had to go up and present something to catch the attention of any new incoming first. And since it was an open house many different families were there.

Just as the boys were about to fall asleep their attention was caught by a beautiful boy who walked onto the stage. With a small smile on his face and a violin in his hand, he spoke into the microphone. "H-hello my name is (L/n) (M/n) and I'm the music club's president and I'm a second year. I hope you guys enjoy this performance and please don't be shy and join our club." To Osamu and Suna the voice was a soft as a fluffy blanket and as sweet as honey.

(Play the rest)

They simultaneously looked at each other with their jaws on the ground at the fact that they had just found who was playing the melody. It shocked them to no end that such an angel was the one playing the melody. They couldn't help but fall in love, "He's so much more than we imagined" Osamu whispered to which Suna was quick to agree.

*time skip*

As the assembly came to an end the boys were quick to go after the boy that had stolen their heart even if he didn't know. "Excuse me," Osamu said once they were in front of the boy they now knew the name of. (M/n) turned around and to his surprise there stood the two boys that had crowded his mind ever since two months ago.

Looking up at them (M/n) couldn't help but blush at how handsome Suna and Osamu were up close. "Y-yes?" The shy boy said fiddling with his fingers. "We have a question," Suna said. (M/n) continued to play with his fingers as he silently told them to continue with his eyes. "Were you the one who was playing the violin in rooms 1-4?" "Um y-yes I was and I um sorta knew that you guys were looking for me after you had come in my practice room that second time. B-but I was too shy to go up to you and tell you that I was the one that you guys were looking for." Osamu and Suna nodded their head in understanding before they looked at each other seemingly having a conversation without actually talking, it was all with their eyes.

With a nod between them, Suna spoke, "Would you like to go on a date with us? We completely understand if you don't want too" (M/n) was quick to answer, "I-i would love too" the boys smiled gently at the shy boy before pulling him into a hug. "We're glad it was you behind that beautiful melody" Osamu whispered and Suna nodded in agreement.

"I'm g-glad you found me" (M/n) said in a soft voice.

And that was the start of a beautiful and amazing relationship.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I liked this one. I genuinely took my time with this one and I'm proud of how it came out. I love you my sweet potatoes

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