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Character: Sawamura Daichi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Marry me?
Request: N/A


(M/n Pov)

I let out a soft sigh as I stand outside of the gym really wondering if the team is going to like me. Taking a deep breath I open the door only to be met with the most terrifying scene ever...

Daichi yelling at what seems to be two second years. Honestly, they look scared shitless along with everyone inside the gym. I facepalm completely forgetting my nerves and enter the gym and walk towards Daichi and grab his ear "The hell are you doing you're scaring them, they look like they're going to pee themselves".

(Third Pov)

Everyone in the gym froze at the new person. As Suga was about to speak something he never thought would happen, occurred Daichi stood up and bowed at the person that was standing in front of him. To say everyone was in shock was an understatement. The person spoke up again with a raised eyebrow, "Now why we're you scolding them?" In a small voice, Daichi answered "They were running around the gym and hyping up two first years into a fight with the Shitty (city) boys". The person walked up to the second years and with a small but sweet-looking smile said "I'm sorry you got yelled at but as their senpais, you have to hype up the first years the right way get them to give it their all in the court not in a fistfight, okay?" The two-second years nodded their head fast. "Um sorry I haven't even introduced myself, I'm (L/n) (M/n), Daichi's boyfriend" as he bowed everyone paused again.


(M/n Pov)

I smile lightly as everyone asks me questions about myself. "How long have you Daichi been together," Suga asked. "Ah, we've been together for 2 years now". Hinata came up next and asked way too many questions at once "Do you play volleyball? What position do you play? What school do you go to?" I laughed lightly, as Daichi came from behind with a smile on his face and hugged me. "Alright, Hinata slowed down you going too short circuit my boyfriend". Everyone backs away and begin to either talk with each other or practice some more. As I watched them interact with each other I didn't notice Daichi staring at me. Out of nowhere, I felt lips on my cheek. With a big blush on my face, I look at Daichi. He was staring back with pure love in his eyes.

"Marry me"


"Marry me in the future? And promise me we'll have kids in the future and I'll deal with scolding them and in the end, you'll end up buying them ice cream because you feel bad that they got scolded"

Blushing again I say "Okay"
And with that, we share a small peck.


Hope you enjoyed it. Please leave constructive criticism. Love you my sweet potatoes.

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