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Character: Aone Takanobu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Freaking cuties

(M/n pov)

I was sitting on top of Aone's lap as I scrolled on TikTok. "(M/n)?" Aone said immediately catching my attention. "Yes bear, is something wrong?" I asked while looking at him. He shook his head before gently grabbing my hand, "My team asked me if I was seeing someone, and when I nodded my head signaling that I was. They demanded to meet you, would you be okay with meeting them?" I smiled before leaning in and softly pecking Aone's cheek, "I would love to meet your team. Though it might be a little awkward considering I'm super awkward when it comes to meeting new people." He shook his head before pulling me close to him, "I'm sure they'll love you."

*time skip*

It was a couple of days after the conversation Aone and I had and right now I was standing outside of the gym contemplating whether or not it was a good idea to go in there considering how loud everyone was being. Taking a deep breath in and releasing it I opened the gym door as slow as possible to try and not attract any attention to myself. But the odds will forever be against me since the door decided it was the best time to let out the loudest squeak possible. Everything and everyone stopped and all eyes were on both me and the door.

I began to frantically look around for Aone when I realized he wasn't in the gym. I let out a soft whimper wanting my alpha when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I screamed and rushed away from whoever was behind me. I turned around to see Aone staring at me with concern and worry written all over his face though to others it just looked like his straight face. I gasped before running over to him and hugging him tightly, "I-I'm sorry N-Nobu I swear I didn't mean to scream you just startled me" I whimpered out while staring at him with teary eyes.

He shook his head before wiping my tears. I pulled away from the hug before he grabbed my hand began pulling me towards the rest of his team. I hid behind him as he pointed at me and spoke up, "My mate and lover." Everyone's jaws dropped before he gently pushed my in front of him giving me a small push as a signal to introduce myself, "Um h-hi I'm (L/n) (M/n) Aone's um mate and lover. It a pleasure to meet you guys"

"Hello, I'm Kaname Moniwa. I'm the captain of the team" he began to introduce everyone while I paid attention to who he was pointing at and what their name was along with what position they play. Suddenly Futakuchi spoke up, "So how long have you and Aone have been together?" I hummed in thought before replying, "I believe about two years but I had to visit my sick grandmother who lives in another country so we spent time away from each other and just recently we reunited" I said softly Aone nodding his head to confirm it.

After about ten minutes of them just asking questions about our love life they finally left and went back to practice since they were satisfied with the answers we gave. I let out a soft yawn before I laid myself on Aone. He began to gently rub my arm almost as if he was soothing me to sleep. "I'm Nobu just a bit tired after all the human interaction" he nodded his head before he picked me up and brought me over to the corner of the gym. He sat down and then sat me on his lap before gently bringing my head towards his neck. I nuzzled into it before letting out a soft sigh. He began to play with my hair as the rest of his team watched him take care of me in pure shock.

(Third pov)

'Oh my god, they're freaking cuties. Cutest relationship ever' was the only thing running through the team's mind as they watched Aone and his mate interact. They all couldn't help but feel happy for Aone because most people found him scary but he finally found someone who understood him and takes care of him and that couldn't make them any happier. So now they watched from the sidelines as Aone and his mate become the perfect example of true love does exist.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Hinata Shoyo

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