C.S~ Kageyama

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Character: Kageyama Tobio
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Nuff Knife N-nice
Request: EmiliaHeartfilia

(M/n pov)

I hummed a random tune as I began to pack cookies into their packages. Being the son of someone who owns a bakery during the holidays was hard but seeing the happy faces of every one, 100% made up for it. When I was about 3/4 of the way done with packaging the cookies the bakery phone rang causing me to tilt my head in confusion before I answered.

"Hello, this is (s/n) bakery and this (M/n) speaking how may I help you?"

"A-ah hello I-i um-um was wondering if I could put in an order for a cake and cookies for um about sixteen people"

I wrote it down on a paper before speaking up again, "And would you like the cake to say anything, sir?"

"Oh um yes, could you write 'Fly Karasuno Volleyball Team'" I hummed and answered "Yes that sounds good. It'll be $$$, and I can deliver in two days."

"Oh yes, that would be great. I'll be paying now." After finishing his transaction I told him to gave a great day and thank you for choosing our bakery. I looked at the time and noticed that rush hour doesn't start for another three hours so I began working on the cookies. It took me about an hour and a half to finished making them but in the end, I was proud of the result so then I went and packaged all the cookies into individual packages along with a carton of milk. For the rest of the day and the day after I made sure to work on the cake.

*time skip*

The driver took me towards where I was supposed to deliver the cake and cookies and I couldn't help but smile a bit. I never got the chance to go to high school since my parents passed away and I had to care for the bakery but that's okay cause I love my job and I do online school.

I began walking to where I was informed I had to go and once I had arrived I knocked on the door. I waited a bit and snapped my head up when I heard the door being open only to see a scrawny looking teacher standing at the door. "Um did somebody here order a cake and cookies?" I couldn't help but ask. He immediately brightened up and spoke, "Yes, that was me. I was worried that they weren't going to arrive on time. Come one in please."

I walked inside and he took me to a table that I'm guessing the two female managers standing beside it set up. I gently place the cake down before opening it, I heard a couple of sound of awe but for the most part, I ignored it before I turned back towards the teacher, watching as he clapped his hands to get the attention of the boys.

All eyes were on me but I just looked down at the bag in my hand. "Since you guys have been working so hard. Coach Ukai and I decided to treat you to a party. Um oh sorry it seems I didn't ask for your name." He said turning to me, "My names (M/n)" "Oh you're the nice person I spoke with. Well, guys (M/n) here is going to give you cookies." Most of the cheered and waited sorta patient.

I began walking to each person and gave them the cookies along with the milk. When I was almost finished given them away the teacher spoke again, "Wait I um didn't pay for the milk cartons" I giggled a bit before speaking, "Yeah you ordered a lot so they came free with the cookies." Once I thought I finished giving them away I noticed that I still had one more in the bag. "Um it seems that I'm missing one" I whispered before I began looking around.

I noticed a blue-haired boy standing by himself playing with a volleyball looking pretty distracted, I also noticed how handsome he was and that he didn't have cookies near him. I wearily walked over to him before gently tapping his shoulder. He turned around and briefly glared at me before his expression turned into one of pure confusion. I open the bag and pulled out the cookies and milk, "I seemed to have forgotten to give this someone. Did I give you one already?" He shook his head and I nodded before handing it to him.

He looked down at it before his eyes widen when he saw the carton of milk. He snapped his head towards me and pretty much yelled out, "MARRY ME PLEASE" Everyone and everything seemed to have stopped. I blushed bright red before I quickly walked over to the teacher informed him that I was leaving. I ran back to the blue-haired boy and handed him one of my business cards, pulling him down by the collar I kiss him on the cheek, "Take me on a date before asking me for marriage" with that I ran off.

(Third pov)

Kageyama watched the boy run away and the only thing he could stutter out was, "Nuff knife n-nice"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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