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Character: Ushijima Wakatoshi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: My puppy
Request: Kawa13_ & iwachanshoe

(Third pov)

It was like any other day Ushijima went to morning practice, then when to class, and then made his way back to the gym for afternoon practice. As he was changing he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong but he simply couldn't put his finger on it so he just let it go and step back into the gym from the changing rooms.

As he was setting up the volleyball equipment Tendou walked up to him. "Waka-chan where is the little manager? Why didn't he come with you?" As if everything processed in Ushijima's mind. He finally realized what was missing throughout his entire day. His lover was nowhere to be found.

Ushijima immediately grew worried as he walked towards the coach. As soon as he stood in front of the coach he realized that he didn't even need to ask because the coach handed him a note.

*Hey Ushi sorry I won't be coming in today. I wasn't feeling well. And if the coach gave you this not it only meant that I couldn't show up to school. Don't worry about my focus on practice.

Love (M/n)*

Once Ushijima finished reading he looked at the coach again who just rolled his eyes and waved him off. "Go I know you want to take care of them"

Ushijima simply nodded his head as thanks and made his way back into the changing room to grab his things. Once he was on his way to (M/n) dorm he made sure to stop by his dorm to grab a couple of hoodies since (M/n) loves to claim that having his hoodies on while he is sick makes him feel 100% better.

Ushijima finally made it to (M/n) dorm he took out the spare key that was given to him and unlocked the door. Once he walked in he couldn't help but cover his nose as the strong scent of his lover's heat hit his nose. Making him realize that he had left his lover alone all day while he was on his heat.

Taking off his shoes he quickly makes his way to (M/n) bedroom. Cautiously opening the door he is met by the sight of his lover in clear pain of his heat.

"Puppy?" (M/n) head immediately snapped towards the alpha. As (M/n) saw him standing there near his door he couldn't help but notice that his alpha brought hoodies for him. Letting out a sound of happiness he stood and grabbed all the hoddies to start making a nest.

Ushijima stood a bit away from the nesting Omega as to not get in the way and end up making the omega feel scared. Once (M/n) finished making his nest he laid on it and began purring out of happiness.

He looked up at his alpha who seemed to have respected his area as he nested. He softly patted a spot on the nest inviting Ushijima to lay with him. Ushijima taking the hint laid down and opened his arms for (M/n). Once (M/n) laid himself on top of Ushijima's chest and got comfortable, Ushijima started to play with his hair softly before kissing his forehead.

"Sorry I wasn't here earlier puppy" Ushijima whispered.

"It's okay Ushi. I should've told you my heat was coming but at least you came" (M/n) was scared that Ushijima would be like the alphas other omega spoke about where they would take advantage of them when they were on their heat. But this proves how good of a person and alpha Ushijima is. He would much rather take care of (M/n) than follow his instincts.

"I'll always be here, I love you so much, my puppy"

"I love you too Ushi"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. This is my first Omegaverse. I love you sweet potatoes muah

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