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Character: Terushima Yūji
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Baby Kitten
Request: EmiliaHeartfilia

(Terushima pov)

I smile at the sight of my lover in my hoodie, shorts, and thigh highs. He was currently in the kitchen making dinner for both of us. Not going to lie his food is the best thing in the world, not even my mom's food is that good.

Honestly, he is the best thing that happened to me. Being a fuckboy and never taking relationships seriously. Never finding someone who wanted to be with me, for me, and not because I have a good dick or being popular.

And that's when (M/n) first came into my life. It was like he made my life go in 180⁰. He was the only person who made no effort to try and get into my pants. He made a goddamn effort to even talk to me. Every time I tried to flirt with him he just walked away. And just like that, I couldn't help but slowly fall for him, though I didn't even realize that I had fallen for him.

I stopped trying to find one night stands and made the effort to try and impress him. It took me almost six months to finally get him to agree to a date with me. And honestly, it was the best date. In all of my years of trying to find someone, I never thought that date could go so well without it ending in sex. When I brought him back home we had said goodnight to each other and just as I was about to walk back to my car, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to his height, and kissed my cheek.

As I stood there in shock he simply ran into his house. After hearing the door close I snapped out of my nd cheered before getting back into my car and cheered some more. And that's how (M/n) and I ended up, dating for the last four years.

I looked at my lover before standing up and walking towards him. I slip my hands around my lover's waist before placing a kiss on his head. He giggled before continuing to cook, "Yū why are you being so clingy, huh?" He asked.

I chuckled and replied, "Because you're my baby kitten."

He turned towards me and smiled. "I love you, Yū," he said while caressing my cheek. I muzzled my face into his palm before placing a kiss on his palm.

"I love you too, baby kitten"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I didn't know what to do with him but here you go. I love you my sweet potatoes

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