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Character: Suna Rintarou
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Don't ever be scared of me, please
*Vampire AU*

(M/n pov)

"Hey Atsumu, do you know where Rin is?"  I asked as I scrolled through TikTok. He hummed before replying, "Nah I haven't seen him since yesterday. But he was acting weird." I frowned a bit and turned off my phone before I looked over at him, "What do you mean he was acting weird?" He shrugged a bit, "He just looked a bit paler than usual and he had dark eye bags as well as he seemed like he lost weight but at the same time looked like he wanted to eat something." I stared at him in shock before I stood up from my spot on the bench, "Oh he also left in the middle of practice yesterday with no explanation but Kita must've known that was going to happen considering he didn't yell at him as he left."

I stared at him in disbelief, "And you thought that telling me now after having spent most of the morning with me was a good idea" he shrugged and I rolled my eyes before smacking him over the head. I grabbed my stuff before going into the main office. I signed myself out, 'Thank god I'm 18' I thought as I exited the school and began my walk towards Suna's house. I attempted to text Suna multiple times but I got left on delivered. As I got closer to his house I got this sinking feeling in my stomach like I was going to find something out soon. As I rounded the corner and Suna's house came into view I saw him standing in his front yard looking down at his phone.

I ducked down away from him before watching him as he frowned at something he saw on his phone and putting it away. Once he put his phone away he began to walk somewhere. And me being extremely noisy followed after him at a distance. After what felt like forever he finally stopped and looked around before walking into the woods. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before continuing to follow after him. 'Why the hell would Rin come to the woods? He doesn't even like leaving his bed' I thought as I watched him look around for something.


I paused thinking that I had stepped on a twig but sighed in relief when I realized it wasn't me. I looked around to see who or what almost made me blow my cover and to my surprise, it was a deer. I watched from behind a tree as Suna approached the deer as it eats. I smiled a bit thinking that he might be an animal person. Suddenly, I watched as Suna lunge towards the deer before biting it. I slapped a hand over my mouth as I watched as the deer whined in pain and fell. Suna pulled away from the deer before wiping his chin. My eyes widened when I saw a pair of fangs. 'He's a vampire... HOLY SHIT HE'S A VAMPIRE' I thought before running away.

*time skip*

It's been about a week and a half since I last saw Suna. I haven't been going to school or practice. I've been too busy mentally, emotionally, and physically freaking out to see Suna. I was currently sitting on my bed while looking at the moon. I couldn't help but let the images of what happened that day flash through my mind. I flinched when I heard the doorbell ring. I frowned a bit before I got up and made my way towards the door. I opened the door and almost immediately attempted to close it but it got stopped by Suna who stood behind it. "Wait (M/n) please. Tell me why you've been ignoring me."

I continued to try and close the door but unfortunately, I wasn't strong enough to keep it closed so eventually he broke through and pulled me into his arms. I froze in his arms and made no attempt to hug him back, "(M/n) please tell me why you're avoiding me." I gently pushed him away before rubbing at my left arm, "I umm I watched as you sucked the blood of a deer and ultimately found out how you're a vampire." He stared at me in complete shock before he got down on his knees and grabbed my hands, "Don't ever be scared of me, please. I don't eat humans, only animals. I love you so much. There's nothing you have to be afraid of."

I stared down at him in complete shock before gently grabbing his face, "Don't worry I'm not exactly scared of you. It was just a big shock to me and I needed time to process everything." I grabbed his hand to help him up before I gently kissed his lips. "I love you so much so don't worry" I stated as I wiped away his tears. He smiled softly, "I love you too"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Kuroo Tetsurou (Omegaverse)

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