Miya Twins

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Character: Miya Osamu and Miya Atsumu
Type: Angst💔, Fluffy Ending☁️
Story Name: We got you now
Request: cheesecakekun
Angel/Demon AU

(M/n pov)

It was another day at school where I would relentlessly get bullied for being different. It's not necessarily that I'm different it's just that the other angels make fun of me for being the only one that can't fly.

In all honesty, I want to learn how to fly it's just that I'm scared. Another thing I get bullied for is not having a mate. People say that when you make eye contact with your mate it's like the world stops and it feels likes you're the only people in the world at that point and time.

I was quick to walk through the school doors to make my way into my classroom but unfortunately, I was stopped by my bully (R/n), "Well well well if it isn't the weakest angel here" he was quick to push me with a smirk on his face.

I looked down at the ground with a frown on my face. "At this point why don't you leap of faith from the roof see if you fly" my eyes go wide as his group of friends and his walk away laughing.

I genuinely feel like crying but I hold my tears in as the bell rings which informed me I should get to class.

*time skip*

It was now after school and I was about to walk out of the school but (R/n) stopped me again. "Hey (M/n), serious question. Do you think you'll find a mate? Or more like do you think you'll mate will stay with you when they find out you can't fly. I'm guessing no" he said in a teasing tone, his group snickered at his statement.

As they were about to leave (R/n) turned towards me and spoke, "No one will ever love you and you might want to get that through your head"

I stood there in complete shock at his words. I feel tears slowly come down my face before I turn around and made my way towards the school's roof. Once I made it up there I stare down from the ledge. I couldn't help but feel scared but everything that (R/n) said kept going through my head.

So with that, I jumped and I attempted to fly but almost immediately I fell. I was going down but I didn't completely process that and just before I hit the ground I was caught.

(Atsumu pov)

I stare down at the angel in my arms with wide eyes as he had his eyes squeezed shut, and a trail of tears going his cheeks. Osamu was quick to also walk over with wide eyes. "Hey, are you okay?!? Why the hell would you jump from the roof are you crazy?" I asked after I set the boy down on his feet.

The boy looked down at his feet like they were the most interesting thing in the world. Osamu spoke up, "Why would you do that?" We stood there in silence waiting for the boy to say something. But all we got in return was broken sobs. We might be demons but we're not heartless so we gently pull him into a hug. Osamu rubbed his back as I whispered words that might help him calmed down.

Once he calmed down he continued to stare at the ground before speaking, "I-im sorry for being a b-burden I-i swear I wasn't trying to harm myself. I was trying to fly." "You can't fly?" I asked but ended up getting smacked in the back of my head by Osamu. The boy shook his head before continuing, "I don't know why I'm telling you this but one of my classmates is bullying me and he said that if I were to ever find a mate they wouldn't want me because I can't fly." Osamu and I stare at each other before I gently pat his head.

"Look at us," Osamu said. The boy slowly brought his head up and once Osamu and I made eye contact with this boy we knew that he was our mate. He gasped and his eyes immediately filled with tears. "I'm s-sorry, you guys probably w-wouldn't want s-someone like me" I was quick to shush him by bringing him into a soft kiss.

Osamu grunted and pulled me off him before placing a soft kiss on the boy too. "Sorry I didn't like that you were bringing yourself down. I should've asked you for your name first" I say awkwardly. "(L/n) (M/n), m-my name is (M/n)"

"You don't have to worry (M/n), we got you now," Osamu said making me nod my head in agreement.

We smiled softly at him and he slightly smiled at us. We peck his forehead one at a time before taking his hands. "Ours," we say at the same time.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I didn't know what to do but meh. I love you my sweet potatoes

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