Twin Brother! Oikawa! X Daichi

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Character: Oikawa Tooru and Daichi Sawamura
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: I'm the better twin

(M/n pov)

*knock knock knock*

There I stood in front of my lover Daichi-san's door. It was the weekend and I didn't feel like spending it with my brother, Tooru, so I came to Daichi's house to spend the night. It wasn't long after I had knocked that it was open and there stood my wonderful boyfriend looking like he had just finished taking a shower. He smiled brightly before extending his hand out in a hug. I smiled before I put my bag down and jumped into his arms. He held me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He chuckled, "Hey love, you do realize that you're 6 foot right? I might be shorter than you by only an inch but you love feeling small, huh?" I nodded my head before nuzzling my nose into his neck. He simply chuckled again before grabbing my bag off the floor and carrying me inside.

After he closed the door he put my bag down right by the door before he walked towards the living room. He sat down on the couch with me on his lap. I pulled away from his neck and looked at his handsome face. I grabbed his face in my hands before squishing it together making him do a duck face. I giggled before leaning down and pecking his lips. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. His hand slipped down to my butt as we make out. He gave my butt a squeeze making me squeal loudly and pull away from the kiss from embarrassment. "You know I think you stole all of the ass from your brother in the womb." He said while laughing and lightly squeezing my butt again. I pout, "Why are you looking at Tooru-nii butt?" I asked looking away from him.

"I'm a sorry pumpkin. I didn't mean to look at his ass plus you're the only one for me. And the only Oikawa brother I want." I could tell he was trying to stifle a laugh from the way he spoke which made me pout even more. He sighed and grabbed my waist before pulling me to where our chests were touching each other. "Pumpkin, I love you so much. I don't want Tooru plus he has Iwaizumi. Plus I would never let him wear my sweater or sit on my lap or carry him around as I do to you." I looked him dead in the eye before nodding my head, "You better. Now give me a kith" he rolled his eyes at my childishness before gently grabbing my chin and pecking my lips. I hummed in satisfaction before pulling him into a long kiss. As we kissed we didn't hear the loud voices coming from outside till it was too late.

"YO DAICHI LET'S PART- oh" Daichi and I broke the kiss and looked over at the door. There stood what I think was his entire team. "Oikawa-san?" I heard my only favorite kohai say, Kageyama. I pout getting off Daichi's lap, "Still can't recognize me off the bat Tobio-kun?" Everyone looked at Tobio for an explanation before he spoke up, "Oh (M/n)-san it's you" I stared at him with my jaw on the ground, "How could you say it like that, Tobio-kun? We haven't seen each other in forever and that's how you react?" I asked pouting. "Sorry (M/n)-san. Anyway, why are you with Daichi-senpai?" I frowned before turning around and glaring at Daichi who was waving his hands in the air with a guilty look on his face.

"You didn't tell them about me?" I asked while a fiery aura surrounded me. He chuckled nervously, "Ah pumpkin I swear I wanted to tell them but we happen to have an extreme rivalry against your brother." I continued to glare at him and he was quick to go on his knees bow at me. He continued to apologize but I ignored him and turned towards his team, "Yoohoo names Oikawa (M/n). And to answer the question to which I know you're thinking of, yes I'm Oikawa Tooru's brother. I'm his twin brother. You could say I'm the better twin." They all bowed and began introducing themselves.

"Umm (M/n), are you going to leave Daichi to continue bowing and apologizing?" I looked back at Daichi before looking at Sugawara who was the one that asked me the question, "He deserves it though I love him lots he didn't take the time to tell you we are dating. So that's his punishment." They all stared at me and I could read their minds.

'He's scarier than Tooru'

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Kinoshita Hisashi (Fantasy AU)

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