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Character: Kageyama Tobio
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Awkward Milk Boy
Request: N/a
(F/d) = favorite drink

(M/n pov)

I made my way towards the vending machine in order to get my (f/d) but I come to a quick stop when I see what seems to be a first year glaring at both the machine and his hand. 'Maybe he doesn't have enough money for his drink' I thought.

(Kageyama pov)

I'm currently very upset that the price of the milk went up in the vending machine and that I didn't bring extra in order to get my favorite drink. I'm still glaring at the machine like if I do that the prices might change.

"Ahem" I hear someone clear their throat so I divert my attention toward them but as soon as I make eye contact my breath catches in my throat.

"Hello um do you not have enough money for your drink or did the vending machine run out of your fav drink?" He asked tilting his head. All I could do was nod my head but he raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I-i don't have enuff e-enough money" I state. From how bad I stuttered I half expected him to laugh but he just smiled, "What drink were you intending to buy?" He asked, "Um milk?" I state confused.

He walks toward the machine and inserts money and clicks two buttons. He picks up whatever he payed for and extends a hand toward me. In said hand was a milk carton. I look down at him since he is shorter than me in complete surprise. "For you" he states sheepishly.

I grab the milk, "Name" I say, "huh?" He said in confusion, "What's your name?" I say. He giggled and nodded his head in understanding, "My name is (L/n) (M/n), you?" "Kag-kageyama tobio" I reply back. He smiled again and began to leave, "wa-wait how can I pay you back for the milk" he stopped in his tracks and turned his head ever so slightly towards me leaving his body facing forward. "Take me on a date someday" he winked and left.

"Nuff knife nice" I say quietly while blushing.

(M/n pov)

'Kageyama Tobio huh?' I thought. He's pretty good looking but if he ever asked me what my first impression of him is I'd have to tell him. 'I thought you were an awkward milk boy'


Hope you enjoyed it. I don't care what anyone says Kageyama is just an awkward tall baby who need lots of love.

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