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Character: Ushijima Wakatoshi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: My darling
Request: N/a

(M/n pov)

Ushijima and I were laying down on our bed. He was in my arms even though he was the bigger one out of the two of us. With a small smile on my face gently start playing with his hair. "(M/n)" Ushijima spoke up. "Yes, darling" I answered back.

"Do you think we'll get married and have kids and become old together?" My eyes widen out of surprise. In all honesty, throughout the two years that Ushijima and I have been dating, he has never once mentioned things about a future. I continue playing with his hair, "I hope we do. Why do you ask, my love?" I can tell it's hard for him to say what's on his mind so I silently waited for him to gather his thoughts.

"Well when I was away for a volleyball game, I heard someone say that I seem so cold and like I could never love someone or that someone could never love me considering how unattached I am from people and how important volleyball is for me," He said. I gently kissed the top of his head before speaking up.

"Ushi baby, I love you with all my heart. You have no idea how happy you have made me these past two years. I would consider myself lucky to be able to marry you in the future and as for having kids. I like that idea too, I mean imagine a mini you running around and you teaching them how to play volleyball the same way your dad taught you. So please don't ever believe what others say. I love you for you." Ushijima turned toward me and kissed my lips.

The kiss was gentle and full of genuine love. We continued to kiss the kiss never got heated. I felt Ushijima's tongue run over my bottom lip asking for permission. I of course let him in and we continued kissing, the kiss still soft and full of love. We pulled away and I smiled at him, he immediately smiles back.

"I love you so much (M/n)," Ushijima said.

"I love you too my darling, please never forget that"

Alright, hope you guys enjoyed it. I wanted to do a special Thanksgiving event so I made three stories for today. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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