Matsukawa x Hanamaki

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Character: Matsukawa Issei and Hanamaki Takahiro
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: Thank you

(M/n pov)

I paced back and forth in front of the couch. I had just arrived from my annual doctor's appointment and got informed that I was pregnant. I'm happy but I'm even more scared of what my fiancés are going to think. I sat on the couch to calm myself down a bit. "Are they going to be happy?" I wondered out loud. It's not like we haven't spoken about having children but I feel like it's too soon. I mean Issei just got his job at the funeral home while Takahiro just got his job as an assistant for a CEO of a company. I'm not sure if they are fully ready to have a kid even though Issei proposed to Takahiro and me. I closed my eyes before I opened them up and took my phone out to send a message to the group chat we have.

(N/n)💕: My loves?

Issei💕: Yes sugar?

Hiro💕: Yes honey?

(N/n)💕: When are you guys coming home?

Issei💕: I was just packing up to go home so in less than 20 min I'll be home sugar

Hiro💕: Same with me honey

(N/n)💕: Alright hurry and come home I've got something to tell you my loves

Issei💕: Okay sugar

Hiro💕: Alright honey

I let out a soft sigh. I have 20 minutes before they arrive. I got up and began preparing a quick lunch for them knowing full well that this is going to be the only way I can take my mind off things. I made some cheese-filled hamburger steak as well as a side of veggies and some profiteroles. I sighed as I began putting everything on plates before seeing it down on the dining room table. Just as I set down the silverware I heard the door open and the voices of my lovers as they walked through the door. I stepped out of the kitchen before walking over to my lovers. Once they saw me they hugged me and pecked my lips. I smiled and gently grabbed their hands and pulled them towards the dining room. They smiled brightly and immediately sat down and began to eat after thanking me.

It was halfway through dinner that I decided to speak up, "So about what I had to tell y'all." They gave me their undivided attention as they continued eating at the same time. "So today at the doctor's they saw that I had gained a bit of weight as well my eating habits have changed a bit and they did a bunch of tests and well..." I paused for a dramatic effect before I continued, "They found out I was pregnant." Everything went downhill pretty quickly Matsukawa choked on his steak while Hanamaki seemed to have stopped breathing. I quickly handed Matsukawa some water before I gently shook Hanamaki back to life. Once Hanamaki snapped out of his daze he gently grabbed my hands and looked at me with stars in his eyes, "Are you being serious? This isn't some prank of yours?" He asked frantically. I giggled a bit but shook my head no. They looked at each other before being to scream and dance around the house. My giggles got louder to the point where I snorting and leaning on the dining room table for support.

They ran back to me and grabbed my hands once again, "Thank you so much for allowing us to be fathers. We promise to love and care for you and the baby" stated Matsukawa. Which in turn made me tear up, "I love you both so much." "We love you too sugar/honey"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Sakusa Kiyoomi (Demon/Angel AU)

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