Brother! Kageyama x Kunimi

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Character: Brother! Kageyama Tobio and Kunimi Akira
Type: Fluff☁️
Story name: He's low key scary

(M/n pov)

"As you guys may already know we are having a practice game against Aoba Johsai tomorrow" I heard Ukai say as I played games on my phone. Everyone nodded, "Glad you guys know. Now that we have the Kageyama brothers and Hinata and Kageyama #2 quick we have a chance of winning against them." I raised an eyebrow and spoke up, "Woah Woah Woah" all eyes were on me, "Who the fuck said I was playing?" Everyone's jaws dropped at my statement. "I said you have to play," Ukai said while glaring at me. I rolled my eyes before speaking, "Listen old man I joined the team per request of my little brother no other reason." He crossed his arms over his chest before he smirked, "Fine don't play but just know you're a coward." I paused for a second before rolling my eyes, "Fine I'll play." He smirked and turned back to the rest of the team and began explaining what our plays would be. I sighed before texting my cute lover.

(N/n)💕: Hey dumpling

Nimi💕: Yes?

(N/n)💕: Our teams are playing against each other tomorrow. Would you be comfortable with me giving you a kiss and a hug? I miss you a lot dumpling

Nimi💕: Of course, I think it's time my team knew I was dating you as well as yours. Wait, does your brother know we're together?

(N/n)💕: Nope but I guess he'll find out tomorrow dumpling.

Nimi💕: Okay see you tomorrow

(N/n)💕: Okay see you dumpling

*time skip to the next day*

It was now the next day and we were currently on the bus to go to Aoba Johsai high. I had my headphones on because I wanted no part in listening to what my teammates had to say. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I mentally groaned before pulling out one of my headphones, "Yes?" "Um, we were all wondering why do you have so many tattoos and piercings" "Well shrimpy it's because I tend to do whatever the fuck I want and most of the designs are ones I drew myself and I wanted them tattooed on me" I stated before putting my headphone back on and closing my eyes.

It was about ten minutes later when we arrived. We got down from the bus and I simply scrolled on TikTok while I walked towards the gym with the rest of the team.  As we walked into the gym they all started stretching as I looked around the gym for my lover. I smiled a bit when I made eye contact with him. I immediately walked over to him and pulled him into my arms. Everyone and everything seemed to pause. "Hey dumpling, I missed you so much," I said before gently grabbing his chin and pecking his lips. I heard a bunch of strangled gasps making me chuckle a bit. "Kunimi what's up with that?" Yelled a guy with an onion looking haircut. I cleared my throat to stop myself from laughing at his hair. Kunimi nudged me knowing full well what I was thinking. Kunimi hugged me before speaking up, "He's my boyfriend and Kageyama's older brother, Kageyama (M/n)." I glared at everyone, "If any of you fuckers got something disrespectful to say you can simply deal with me." Kunimi slapped my arm before he laid his head on my chest. "I love you" he whispered so that only I could hear. "I love you too dumpling" I whispered back.


As everyone watched the couple they couldn't help but think the same thing, "He's low key scary"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Tanaka Ryuunosuke (Mpreg)

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