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Character: Shinsuke Kita
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: All mine
Request: Andyyx_16

(M/n pov)

I hum the song that's been stuck in my head for the longest time as I make my way to the Inaziraki volleyball gym. Kita is finally allowing me to meet his team. He claimed he didn't want me to meet his team because there's a disgusting blonde that would try to take me away from him, well that's according to him.

I smile as I finally made it to the gym. Opening the door, I peek my head in. Almost immediately all eyes are on me as I walk in. Before I could say anything a blonde walked up to me with a smirk.

"And who might you be cutie~," he said, he didn't even allow me to reply before he spoke up again, "My names Atsumu Miya, you can call me you're future Alpha" I stare at him wide-eyed after the statement he made.

Suddenly, all I heard was a 'thud' than an 'ow' come from Atsumu. "Let him speak dumbass, we don't even know who he is and you're already trying to claim him," a grey-haired boy said glaring at the Atsumu. Atsumu pouted, "But Samu look how cute he is " greyed-haired boy rolled his eyes again before turning towards me. "Why are you here? And what can we do for you?" He asked.

"Um, I am here because Suke, or how you guys know him Kita invited me here and you can help me by telling me where he is" I stated softly. The grey-haired boy spoke up, "He's talking to a teacher right now, you can wait here if you want, my name Osamu Miya the twin brother of that idiot over there, unfortunately," Atsumu gasped dramatically clearly offended at the statement Osamu made which made me giggle.

They all introduce themselves before looking at me expectantly, clearly waiting for me to tell them my name. Just as I was about to speak up a voice a immediately recognized spoke up, "(M/n)?" I turn around and see Suke standing by the door. I immediately run towards him and jump on him. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He chuckled before kissing my forehead, "Suke, you're team is cool." He smiled down at me, "I'm glad you like them, love"

I hear the team gasp at the nickname but they don't say anything. "I'm guessing you guys have officially met my boyfriend/mate." They all nod their heads before Suna spoke up, "We all introduced ourselves but he hasn't, he was about to but you came into the gym" Kita nodded his head before looking at me, I giggle and get down from his hold before turning to the team, "Hi I'm (L/n) (M/n), Kita's boyfriend and mate" they all smiled at me before going back to practice since the Kita was here to watch them.

I smile as the team practice before arms wrapped around me and Suke whispered in my ear. "Atsumu didn't make a move on you right? I don't have to punish him with 100 laps for trying to flirt with you." I giggled at him before shaking my head.

"No he didn't try anything, Suke"

"Good because you're all mine." He nipped my ear before turning me around and pecking my lips. "Watch me practice?" He asked, I smiled and nodded my head. He pecked my lips again before going off to practice.

'I'm glad I met him. He is the best Alpha and boyfriend anyone can ask for'

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry if this isn't really how Kita's personality is but I don't know much about him. Anyways I love you my sweet potatoes muah

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