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Character: Kageyama Tobio
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Mhm

(M/n pov)

I smirked as Kageyama glared at me. Everything in the gym was quiet as Kageyama and I continued to silently go against each other. He had a deep frown on his face while I had a mischievous look on my face. We didn't even flinch when we felt my brother's dark aura on us. "Um, why are bakayama and (M/n)-san glaring at each other" I heard Hinata ask. I heard Tsukishima speak up, "Shrimpy number three told the king that milk was nasty by itself and that it's only good when it's mixed with either chocolate powder or in cereal, and well as you can see shrimpy number one the king didn't agree." Suddenly, Daichi came out of nowhere and smacked Kageyama's head. Since he knows I'd fight him if he did that to me he didn't hit me. Kageyama immediately looked away and held onto his head.

I smirked before I looked down at my phone and realized that practice was over. "Well then guess I won this round Kageyama." I stood up and grabbed my stuff before I walked out of the gym my older brother following behind me. "Why did you say that to Kageyama?" He asked. I shrugged a bit, "Dunno I guess I like to see him get aggravated." He raised an eyebrow, "You sure it isn't because you have a crush on him." I paused before laughing loudly, "I have a crush on Bakayama. Last time I checked we hate each other. I'm pretty sure he hates me more than he hates Oikawa." My brother rolled his eyes before he put his arm around my shoulder, "Okay then answer this, why do you like to see Kageyama get aggravated?" I paused for a second before replying, "I think it's because every time he gets aggravated he ends up getting this cute pouty look on his face and it reminds me of a child that got their favorite toy taken from them."

He pulled away from me and stared at me in pure shock, "And you wanna say you don't have a crush on Kageyama. You just admitted that you like to tease and piss him off just so that he could get all aggravated and pouty because you find it cute." I paused before shrugging, "Guess I do have a crush on him." I continued walking home with him following behind me while in complete shock that I had accepted that so easily when it took him months to accept that he had feelings for Sugawara.

*time skip to lunch the next day at school*

I sat at my usual stop near the vending machine and ate my lunch peacefully while scrolling on my phone when I heard two very familiar voices. I looked up and saw Kageyama and Hinata. I was about to say hi when I realized that they hadn't noticed me and that they were talking amongst each other. "Wait let me get this straight, Bakayama. You like to fight with (M/n)-san because you think he looks hot when he smirks." I watched as Kageyama blushed and nodded his head. "But with the way you two fight I didn't think you'd like him plus everyone knows the only thing you think about is volleyball." Kageyama seemed a bit discouraged but he pressed the button on the vending machine before grabbing the milk. He opened it at began drinking out of it before he sighed, "Maybe he wouldn't like me. I mean all I am is a dense, rude, and arrogant volleyball player." Hinata shook his head, "Once he gets to know the real you, I'm sure he'll like you."

I stepped out from behind the vending machine and brought a finger to my lips signaling Hinata to not say anything. I was standing behind Kageyama when Hinata spoke up, "I'll be right back, Bakayama." And just like that, he was gone. I tapped Kageyama's shoulder immediately, getting his attention. He turned around and almost passed out. "D-did you hear the conversation?" He asked with a worried look on his face. I chuckled and nodded my head, "Mhm." He froze and it looked like he wanted the earth to swallow him up. I simply smirked before I grabbed a hold of his uniform and brought him down to my height. I placed a gentle kiss on his lips before pulling away and frowning, "Gross your lips taste like milk." He blushed while I rolled my eyes and kissed him again. "Take me on a date this weekend, okay?" I said as I walked away leaving him in a daze.


That weekend we went on a date and had an amazing time. He then proceeded to ask me to be his boyfriend but not without stuttering the whole time. It made me laugh but I accepted anyway.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Terushima Yuji

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