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Character: Yaku Morisuke
Type: Lemon 🍋
Story Name: Not so tough
Request: Butterfl3

(M/n pov)

I was currently at practice, trying to teach Lev how to fucking receive but I swear to God this boy doesn't know how to do shit. I'm so fucking close to whooping his ass, I can now see why Mori is always trying to beat him up.

Now that I think about it I haven't talked to Mori since I started to teach Lev, I looked around the gym for Mori. My eyes fell on him and I saw that he was glaring at me from where he was standing. I rose an eyebrow at him and he just glared harder and turned his face away from me.

I was about to walk towards him but Lev was quick to wrap his arms around my arm to keep me from leaving. I turn back to him, "What Lev?" "Don't leave me, I like you teaching me, Yaku is mean" he pouted and fluttered his eyes lashes at me. Before I could reply, Lev was kicked off me and into the ground.

Turning towards the culprit I see Mori glaring at Lev's body. He grabbed my arm and walked toward our stuff. He grabbed everything and continued to drag me in the direction of his house. Once we made it to his house he pulled me into his room and sat me on his bed.

He stood in front of me glaring at me. "Why did you let Lev touch you like that?" He whispered out darkly clearly angry. "Baby he just wanted me to continue teaching him since to him you have no patience and were always hurting him," I state softly. He glared at me before moving and sitting on my lap.

I raise an eyebrow before setting my hands on his waist. He wrapped his arms around my neck and leaned towards my ear and whispered, "Alpha, I don't like that ugly omega near you. I thought I was the only one for you." I let out a soft sigh before grabbing his face and pulling him into a passionate kiss. He moaned into the kiss, I was quick to turn us around to where he was laying on his back and I was hovering over him.

"There's no need to be jealous my precious omega, I only love you, baby boy." He stared at me before pulling me back down into another kiss. My hands touched every part of his body before one of them slipped underneath his shirt and I pinched his pretty pink nipples. He gasped and moaned which allowed me to slip my tongue into his mouth.

I pull away from the kiss to see the mess he became. "Please a-alpha breed me. I wanna show Lev that you're mine and only mine." I chuckle darkly before smirking down at him making him whimper, "Look at yourself baby boy. Just a kiss can make you such a mess, not so tough are you" he whimpered louder.

"Can you imagine your teammates suddenly showing up to your house and coming inside while I'm thrusting into you making you moan out my name?" He had tears in his eyes and I could tell he was embarrassed but turned on. "N-no a-alpha" "You wouldn't want your teammates to see you like that huh? Because they wouldn't take you seriously. They'll only ever see your little lewd face whenever you talk to you." He whimpered and whined before shaking his head a bit.

"Prepare yourself baby boy cause I'm not stopping tonight until I'm satisfied. I have a lot of energy since you took me out of practice"

And at that moment Yaku knew he had fucked up.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. But let me tell you guys I was stuck lmao. I don't think I'll make a part two so please let your imagination run wild. I love you my sweet potatoes

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