C.S~ Sugawara

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Character: Sugawara Koushi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Knew me well
Request: HoForTooru

(M/n pov)

I let out a sigh, I was on my way to Daichi's house since he claimed that we needed to see each other during the winter break. Before winter break started he came to each of us and told us who we are giving a gift to for secret Santa.

Approaching Daichi's house door, I looked down at the bag that was in my hand before inhaling a deep breath out of nervousness. I went ahead and knocked on the door, not long after I had initially knocked it was opened by Daichi wearing a Christmas hat.

"Oh hey (M/n), come on in" he smiled at me, I gave him a weak smile before making my way inside. I took off my shoes before Daichi led me to where everyone else was. As soon as I was in the view of everyone they all greeted me and told me that they were glad to see me.

They were all sitting around a table with a bunch of presents on it so I set mine on there as well before sitting down next to Sugawara. He spoke up, "Hey (M/n) glad you can make it." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Alright now that everyone is finally here" all eyes were on me making me looked down with a big blush. "We can start with the secret Santa gift exchange" Everyone started cheering and began getting ready to get and receive gifts.

Daichi pulled out a hat and spoke up again, "In this hat, I put all the names of everyone here to see in what order we are going to give their gift to their secret Santa." He began pulling out names and everyone began cheering.

*time skip*

"Alright next person would be Hinata" Hinata began cheering and stood up and grabbed a box and pushed it towards me, "You're my secret Santa (M/n)" I smiled up at him and giggled at his excited face. I grabbed the box and opened it, my eyebrows were quick to shoot up in pure surprise.

Inside of the box was all my favorite snacks and a volleyball key chain. "Aw thank you, Hinata. I love it" I smiled up at him and he giggled a bit. I hummed a bit before looking at Sugawara out of the corner of my eyes, I couldn't help but notice him frowning at the interaction between Hinata and me.

My attention was quickly taken by Daichi speaking up and calling names out. After about three more names he called mine out. I smiled a bit before grabbing ahold of the gift, "Um well my secret Santa was Sugawara" I hand it over to him before speaking up again, "I-i um hope you like it" I say while playing with my fingers.

He took out the tissue paper before slowly pulling out an album. He looked at me confused before opening it. Everyone including Tsukishima stood around him as he began turning the pages of the album. They all gasped when they realized it was pictures of them that I have been taking since I joined the team as a manager.

Just as he was about to get to the last page I yelled out, "Wait" they all looked at me and I spoke up again with a blush of embarrassment on my cheeks, "Um well the last page is for Sugawara only" they all stared at me before Tanaka and Nishinoya started wiggling their eyebrows and screaming 'oooooh'.

*time skip*

After a while of celebrating and eating and having fun, everyone started going home, including myself. As I was walking home I heard my name get called by someone. Turning around I saw Sugawara walking towards me. Once he caught up to me he grabbed my hand, which made me look down at it in complete shock.

I looked back up and him and saw that he had a gentle smile on his face. "So I saw the last page and I wanted to say that was the best gift, I always knew you knew me well. And to answer your question, yes I do have feelings for you." I smiled up at him and I then felt his cold hand on my cheek before he leaned down and placed his lips on mine.

As we kissed I felt something cold drop on my nose. I guess Sugawara felt it too because he backed away from him and we looked at each other before looking up. We came to the realization that it was snowing. We looked at each other before giggling and kissing again.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. This lowkey made me feel super fluffy. I love you my sweet potatoes

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