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Character: Kinoshita Hisashi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Be my king?
*Fantasy AU*

(M/n pov)

"(M/n) sweetheart" I looked at my mom who was laying on a hospital bed. "Yes, mom? Do you need anything?" I asked as I grabbed her frail hand. She smiled softly before gently caressing my face, "(M/n) my time is coming soon. Please, you're still so young go live your life. You have so much to look forward to. Go explore the world and find love. Find someone to love you for who you are." I teared up at her words. She gently wiped my tears away, "I will mom just not now I'm not ready, please don't go." She smiled softly, "I'm sorry (M/n) but I have to go. I'll always watch over you okay." I closed my eyes and silently cried as her hands fell limp and the sound of quietness filled the room.


I gasped as I woke up from my deep slumber. "Ah (M/n) you're awake" I heard from above me. I sighed as Iwaizumi stood above me. I rolled my eyes at him before I stood up, "By the way, there are a couple of ships at the dock waiting for you to sneakily board them." I glared at him before grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste and heading to the bathroom. I cleaned myself up before packing up my bag once again. I had just spent a couple of nights at Iwaizumi's shop after having to be a stowaway on his boyfriend's ship and he let me stay here. I walked out of the backroom and he handed me a plate of food and a bento box. I grabbed the plate and looked at him in confusion, "It's some food for your next trip." I smiled a bit before nodding my head, "Thank you" I whispered.

After I had finished eating I got up and put the bento in my bag and got ready to leave Iwaizumi's shop when I stopped and turned around and made eye contact with Iwaizumi. "Leaving already?" I nodded my head. He walked over to me and gently grabbed my shoulder, "Be careful, okay?" I nodded my head. "Also be sure not to pick the pirate king's boat who is parked at the dock." I rolled my eyes and nodded my head before making my way towards the dock. I hummed a bit as I saw all of the pirates happily buying things at the dock stores. I sneaked by all of them thanks to my height. I looked to see which ship seemed the most empty. I finally found the ship that I was going to travel in. I quietly snuck into it before hiding in the wine cellar. I laid down on my make-shift bed and before I knew it I ended up falling asleep.

*time skip*

I was suddenly woken up when I felt my body being thrown into the hard floor. I groaned as I rubbed my eyes to fully wake up. I looked at my surroundings and saw two things. One I was in the middle of nowhere and two I was surrounded by pirates who were glaring down at me. I heard someone clear their throat which made me immediately look at them. I stared eye to eye with a browned hair make who I immediately recognized as the pirate king. 'Fuck I should've been more careful on which ship O got on' I thought to myself as the guy got down to my level and grabbed my chin. "Care to explain why my crew found you sleeping in our wine cellar, stowaway?" When I didn't say anything he snapped his fingers and one of the guys handed him my journal.

Inside the notebook were all of the notes I've taken on each of my trips plus the description and names of the people I've met. He showed the notebook to me before speaking up, "Are you some kind of spy? Maybe a spy for the kings" I sighed and shook my head. I cleared my throat and spoke up, "I'm not a spy for the kings. Those are just the notes I keep after I travel because I tend to forget things easily." We stared at each other before he sighed and handed the notebook plus my other belongings to me. "You can stay on the boat but will be traveling for a couple of months so you're going to help around here." I nodded my head as he helped me up, "I'm pirate king Kinoshita Hisashi, and you?" I looked at him before answering, "(L/n) (M/n)"

*time skip*

It's been a couple of months since I began traveling with the pirate king and every night he has me go to his room and read him one of my many traveling stories to get him to sleep. Currently, I was walking my way to the king's quarters to tell him another story. I knocked on the door and waited for him to say 'come in.' I walked inside and saw him staring in the middle of the room with a blush on his face and his hands behind his back. I raised an eyebrow, "Is everything okay?" He cleared his throat before scratching the back of his neck. He walked over to me and gently grabbed one of my hands. "(M/n), we've spent a couple of months together now and getting to know each other. And well I've caught feelings for you and well I was wondering if you wanted to be my king and rule the sea with me?" I blushed bright red as he pulled out a small bracelet with a pearl charm on it. I giggled at his nervousness before I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek, "I would love to be your king."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Bokuto Kotaro & Akaashi Keiji

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