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Character: Tsukishima Kei
Type: Angst💔
Story Name: Why me?
Request: femboymushroom

(M/n pov)

I have recently been feeling like Tsukishima has been hiding something from me. But the thing is I feel like the team also knows but I've been trying to give it the benefit of the doubt since I don't want to push on my past experiences with relationships on Tsukki and just assume he was like my ex who cheated on me.

Humming to myself as I made my way towards Tsukishima house. I knocked on the door and his mom let me in. I smile at her and thank her before making my way to Tsukki room. I knock on the door before I heard shuffling and the door unlocks. He peeks his head out and stared at me wide-eyed. I took note of the fact that he was shirtless even though he said he hates the cold but ignore that bugging feeling in the back of my brain.

"Hi tsukki, I missed you so I wanted to surprise you" he scratches the back of his head awkwardly before speaking up. "You shouldn't be here. I um I'm planning a surprise for you so you can't see it." My eyes widen and I gasp. "Sorry sorry, oh God. Okay, I'll see you tomorrow sorry again for almost spoiling the surprise."

I quickly left after saying goodbye to his mom and that night I spent it practically vibrating from pure happiness.

*time skip*

Even though I hadn't got any sleep that night. I spent the morning getting ready making sure I looked nice even though it was another school day. Once I got to school I couldn't help but smile brightly at the thought that Tsukishima had something planned for me.

I took note of how I hadn't seen Tsukki throughout the day but ignored it and continued with my school day.

It was now after school and as I was making my way towards the gym a teacher stopped me and asked me to take some documents to another teacher. Once I had done that I simply skipped towards the gym before I walked in I heard the voice of Sugawara.

"Tsukishima, Yamaguchi you can't keep doing this. I might not know that boy that well but he doesn't deserve that" I then heard Tsukishima speak up, "I don't care have, never will. Yams is the one I love which is why I'm cheating on (M/n) with him and I was going to break up with him today anyway" my smile dropped and my eyes got teary.

I walked into the gym and cleared my throat. They all turned towards me and their eyes go wide. Giving Tsukishima and Yamaguchi a strained smile, I couldn't help but ask, "Why me? You knew I was cheated on before but you still went and did it. Was I a game? Was I someone you never cared about?" My voice quiet.

He stayed quiet and that just made me mad, "YOU'RE HONESTLY THE WORST. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORST PART IS. I OPENED MYSELF UP TO YOU AND GAVE YOU ALL OF MY LOVE ONLY TO GET HURT AND YOU GUYS" I point at the rest of the team, "YOU GUYS KNEW AND DIDN'T TELL ME. YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S WORSE." I stare at them and let the tears run down my face. "I wouldn't even wish anything bad on you guys in the end."

With that, I ran out of the gym and running as fast as I could. Just before I heard someone scream my name I stop and look back to briefly see Kageyama before I heard a honk and everything went black.

(Kageyama pov)

I gasp and run towards (M/n). I gently cradle him as people began calling an ambulance and the police.

I put his head on my chest, whimpering out, "Please don't leave me. I never got the chance to say that I love you"


(L/n) (M/n)
A great person who we lost too soon. Fly high crow.

I miss you (M/n) I will never let the memory of you die.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I did what I could I hope it was up to your angsty standards. I love you my sweet potatoes

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