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Character: Tanaka Ryūnosuke
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: How?!?
Request: KovuCos

(Third pov)

Everyone in the gym took into notice how Tanaka looked extremely happy recently. They also noticed how he had been practicing to become better along with getting to practice earlier and leaving right when the practice was over. They couldn't help but feel curious because not only did he look happy and was working to be better, he also stopped chasing after Kiyoko. He stopped gushing over her to the surprise of everyone including her. Even when she spoke to him one day out of the request of Daichi he simply replied to her and went back to practice. To say everyone was shocked was an understatement. They were even more curious than before.

Which leads us to this moment where the team was following Tanaka to see who or what was making him happy. The team followed him until they saw him stop at a park. They all hid behind the bushes and continued to watch Tanaka. They see him take out his phone and if his smile might have got 10x bigger. They watched him as he waited for something to come, looking around every once in a while.

It was about five minutes later and a bit of Tsukishima complaining that they finally saw someone walking, more like running, towards their teammate. They watched as Tanaka stoop up and met the person halfway and picked them up, spin them around, and peck their lips.

Unfortunately for them Suga(mama), got too excited and squealed out of happiness king Tanaka and the person looks over at the team.

(Tanaka's pov)

I looked over at the bushes where I heard a familiar squeal. I grab my baby's hand and walked over to the bushes and see my entire team sitting on the ground. "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!?" I yelled at them. Noya stood up, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE AND WHO IS THAT?" I stare at them before blinking slowly.

"Wait, did you guys follow me here because you were curious about what was going on with me?" They all nodded their heads and I let out a sigh grabbing the bridge of my nose. "You guys know you could have just asked me." After I said that I feel a tug on my shirt and I turn around a bit to see my mate smiling slightly at me.

I turn back to my teammates and then pulled my lover in front of me, "Guys meet my omega/boyfriend (L/n) (M/n), (M/n) meet my team." My baby smiled at them and waved. Suga squealed before taking my baby into his arms and hugging him.

"How?!?" I hear Noya yell. I turn towards him as he fell his knees. "HOW DID YOU GET SOMEONE SO CUTE AND ANGEL LIKE" I laughed and yelled back, "HA THIS IS MY BABY" I pulled (M/n) into a side hug and kissed his temple. He blushed and smiled at me. "Alright let's leave the couple alone now," Daichi said. When they all left I brought my baby into a hug.

"I love you, baby, thank you for choosing me as your alpha," I say. He went on his tippy toes and kissed my lips. "I love you too Ryu"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm getting through these requests so slowly. I have been trying to do 3 per day so that I can get through them for you guys and honestly it's been fun. I hope that I've been doing a good job. I love you my sweet potatoes

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