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Character: Bokuto Koutarou
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Owl Baby

(M/n pov)

I sat in the nursing room waiting for Bokuto to finally come home from work. We have been planning my pregnancy for the last couple of months I'm in my third trimester already and Bokuto seems to be extremely excited about being a father. He claims that since we're having a child together we can name it baby owl but I already said no I felt really bad because he went into his little emo mode but in the end, I put my foot down and he listened, it was a fun day that day.

Akaashi was also helping me out since anytime Bokuto was near the baby he would start freaking out thinking that he would hurt the child or me. I couldn't help but think of that one time where I could not go up the stairs because my belly was just far too big for me already and Bokuto had carefully picked me up bridal style and carried me up to our shared room. Once he had put me down on the bed he had started freaking out thinking that he may or may not have hurt me, it took me at least 10 minutes of convincing and telling him that it was okay for him to be able to cuddle me again.

I giggle a bit before I heard somebody clear the throat behind me, "What are you laughing at baby owl?" Bokuto said as he came into my view. "Just thinking about how silly you've been through my pregnancy. Makes me wonder how you're going to be as a father once the baby is born." He in turn pouted a bit at my statement before he sat next to my chair on the floor. He looked up at me with his cute puppy eyes and I smiled knowing exactly what he wanted. Gently placing my hand on his hair I began to play with it. My other hand was left to rub my belly.

I looked down at Bokuto to see him with his eyes closed having the time of his life as I play with his hair. I bring my hand down from his hair and place it on his cheek instead. He opened his eyes and stared at me before he tilted his head and confusion. He was probably wondering why I had stopped playing with his hair. "Kou, do you think we'll make good parents?" He stared at me a bit before gently grabbing my hands. "I think we'll make the best parents out there. Our kid is going to be just like you so they're going to be super awesome. I don't think we have anything to worry about baby owl."

I smiled at him before he leaned down to kiss me but I was quick to put my hand on his chest when I felt movements in my belly. I gasped before grabbing one of Bokuto's hands and with much hesitation, on his part, I gently laid it on top of my belly. I could see his eyes sparkle with joy when he realized that what he was feeling was our baby kicking inside of my stomach. He looked up at me with the brightest smile on his face and slight tears prickling at the corner of his eyes. With a gentle look on my face I put my hand on top of his I couldn't help but think that maybe just maybe we were going to be some good parents.

Bokuto gently pecked my temple before bringing his face closer to my belly, "Hello owl baby, I'm you're daddy and the one who has you in their tummy is your papa. I know you have my genes so I ask that you treat papa well while in there." The baby stopped moving in response before Bokuto stood up and puffed his chest out, "I'm that owl baby whisperer" I couldn't help but laugh at him. We smiled at each other before proceeding to spend the rest of the night cuddling.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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