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Character: Tsukishima Kei
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Too sweet
*Angel/Demon AU*

(Tsukishima pov)

I internally groaned before grabbing my headphones and putting them on. Supposedly, there's a rumor going around that we were going to get a new student today. Everyone in my class is excited, including Yamaguchi, to see whether or not the rumor was true but in all honesty, I could care less. Another student just meant another person that would annoy me to death. I looked at the window as I waited for the bell to ring because that would sing know that the teacher was coming inside the classroom. As if the stupid time read my mind the bell rang I took off my headphones once again and waiting for the teacher to come inside.

As the teacher walked inside she turned around before waving somebody inside as well. She smiled at us and spoke up, "Guys I would like to introduce you to your new classmate. You can come in now." As soon as she said that the most beautiful boy that I have ever seen in my life came inside the classroom. It was as if God himself pick this angel to come into this classroom. I couldn't help but blush a bit so I look out the window to hide it because I knew that if Yamaguchi saw it he would immediately start teasing me. "Please introduce yourself" I listened closely as the angel standing by the teacher spoke up with a soft voice, "My name is (L/n) (M/n), I hope we can all be friends. Please take care of me" after he said that he bowed and waited for the teacher to speak again.

"Alright (L/n) you can sit next to Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi, please raise your hand." I couldn't help but internally pout because I wanted to sit next to him. As he walked by me to sit down next to Yamaguchi I noticed a bunch of dinosaur pins on his school bag. I let out a silent gasp before I looked back out the window. The class went by in a flash and now Yamaguchi and (M/n) were talking up a storm. I sat by them but pretended to not be interested in what they were saying. "Oh (M/n), this is Tsukishima Kei he's my best friend and he also plays volleyball. Oh oh and he's a demon" I watched from the corner of my eyes as he smiled and walked towards me to stand in front of me.

He extended his hand before he smiled at me, "Hi Tsukishima it's nice to meet you" I momentarily stared at him before grabbing his hand and shaking it. "I guess it's nice to meet you too I guess" he giggled at my tone before he sat down at the desk in front of me Yamaguchi sitting next to us as well. "Tsukki here is the middle blocker for our team" he nodded his head before I rolled my eyes and put my head down. They took out their lunches and began to eat while I kept my head down, "Hey Tsukishima do you have lunch?" I picked my head up before I looked at (M/n) and shook my head. He gasped and pulled out another lunch box before handing it to me with a worried look on his face.

"Here you can have my strawberry shortcake. I made it yesterday" I stared at him before a small blush made its way onto my cheeks. "T-thank you" he smiled and nodded his head. Yamaguchi stared at me before he pulled out his phone.

🍠: You like him, right?

👓 : Shut up Yamaguchi

🍠: Sorry Tsukki

Suddenly, Yamaguchi got up and said he was going to the bathroom. I wanted to yell at him and tell him not to leave me here but before I could he was already gone. "Sooo Tsukishima what are some things you like?" He asked with pure interest lingering in his eyes. I blushed a bit before looking down at the strawberry shortcake and replying with, "Dinosaurs." He gasped before smiling pulling his school back up, "I like them too. I love the Jurassic Park movies" "I like them too!" I yelled and then realized what I did so I cleared my throat and looked back down at strawberry shortcake and began to eat it. But as I was doing that I heard the most angelic sound ever. It was (M/n) giggling that caused me to blush again. "You're so cute Tsukishima" I blushed again before smirking and replying with, "And you're too sweet" he blushed and looked away making me chuckle in response.

*flashback end*

"Kei, Kei, earth to Kei" I snapped out of my daze and looked down at my husband before smiling softly and pecking his lips he blushed and titled his head in confusion. "I'm okay my love. I was just thinking about the first time we met and how hard you blushed after I said you were too sweet" he blushed harder and nuzzled his face into my chest. "You're so mean Kei" I chuckled before kissing the top of his head. "I love you tsukkisaur" I blushed lightly before rolling my eyes, "I love you too sweet cheeks"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. The person who made this request wanted it to be Smut but the thing was I wasn't comfortable with having the characters having s3x right after them meeting so I made it Fluff sorry to the person who requested it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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