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Character: Kunimi Akira
Type: Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: I'll be your rock
Request: uwuuuwuuuwwuwu

(M/n pov)

I watched from the sidelines as Kindichi confessed to Kunimi in front of the whole team. Nobody knows that Kunimi and I are dating per his request. But I couldn't help but feel heartbroken at the fact that Kindaichi could ask him out in front of everyone. Everyone started cheering and telling Kunimi that he should accept his feelings.

I simply stood up with tears in the corner of my eyes and walked out of the gym. Once I had made it to my house, I went straight to my bedroom and laid on my bed. I couldn't help but feel my heart squeeze in pain. I spent the next hour crying before standing up and going to my bathroom. Grabbing a razor, I looked at myself in the mirror before making one cut down my forearm before doing a couple more. Once I did that I simply just sat on the bathroom floor and cried even more.

I was crying so hard that I didn't hear the footsteps that were nearing me. I started to freak out when arms wrapped around me. I looked up and I saw Kunimi staring down at me with a frown on his face. "What's wrong baby?" I almost immediately started crying harder before I launched myself towards him.

He pets my head softly whispering sweet nothing into my ear. Once I calmed down, he spoke up again, "Can I know what's wrong, my love?" I stare at him. "I-i um-um heard Kindaichi confess to you, and I honestly thought you'd leave me to date him." He shook his head before he picked me up bridal style. He sat me on the bed, he grabbed my hands before he went to the bathroom again and came back with a first aid kit. He bandaged up my arms before placing soft kisses on my arms.

"Baby, I love you so much. I told him I couldn't get with him and when he asked why I couldn't accept his feelings, I told him straight up that I'm in love with you and that we are dating" I looked at him wide-eyed before smiling. He smiled down at me before he pecked my lips.

"Baby, please never hurt yourself again. You are beautiful and you mean the world to me. And that if I ever lost you I wouldn't know what I'll do with myself. You shouldn't hurt yourself. After all, you feel worthless because you're not. You are my diamond, my light, and my future. I love you darling so stay with me."

"Thank you so so much, nimi" "No problem love. I'll always be your rock" I smile up at him and pecked his lips before he kissing my forehead and pulled us down making us lay down on my bed and cuddle.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. If you guys ever feel like you are not worth it or feel like you need to talk to someone, please dm me I'll always be here for you guys. I love you my sweet potatoes

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