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Character: Tsukishima Kei
Type: Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: I'll always be here
Request: zaaron13
The reader is chubby and insecure

(Third pov)

(M/n) sat on his room floor while silently crying. (M/n) stared at himself in the mirror his mind running with a million questions. 'Why was he so fat? Why did Tsukishima stay with him? Was he just playing a cruel joke on him? Why would anyone ever love someone like him?'. He started to poke at his stomach and when it jiggled he cried harder. Just before he could continue doing that his phone rang.

Taking a look at it, it just made him feel like crying harder. But instead, he sniffles and held in tears and answered the phone.

"H-hello?" He asked

"Marshmallow are you okay? You didn't come to school today" Tsukishima asked worryingly. Even though Tsukishima might seem like he's mean and snarky, towards his lover he is completely different.

Taking a deep breath (M/n) answered to the best of his abilities, "I didn't feel good so I stayed home, don't worry" before Tsukishima could even reply the phone was hung up. Without (M/n) knowing Tsukishima was on the way to his house.

(M/n pov)

I got up and went to the kitchen and grab a knife. After doing that I walk towards my bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror the only thought that was going through my mind was, 'Tsukishima would like you when you're skinny.' Crying I put the cold knife against my skin. Just as I was about to cut myself, it was grabbed.

I turn around in shock and see Tsukishima standing there with sweat coming down his forehead and tears in his eyes with the knife that was previously in my hand in his. He puts the knife down on the counter before wrapping his arms around me.

That ended making me cry harder. His hug was so warm and so full of love that was the only thing I could do. He grabs me and pulls me to my room gently laying me on the bed before he also laid down himself. He wrapped his arms around me again and started to whisper sweet nothing making my cries quite down in no time.

He pulls back ever so slightly so that now we are looking at each other. He pecks my lips before speaking up, "Please don't ever do that again, my love" I stare at him in surprise but before I could reply he cut me off

"You might not know this or maybe I don't say it enough but you're truly the love of my life. And if I ever lost you, I don't think I'll know what to do with myself. You're my everything. From the highlight of my day to the weirdo who somehow made me fall in love with them. So please if you ever feel insecure again tell me because I'll always be here for you" I grab a hold of his face and pull him down towards me kissing him on the lips the kiss was passionate but still slow and full of love from both of our parts.

We disconnect our lips but connect our foreheads together. He gives me an Eskimo kiss and smiles gently.

"I love you marshmallow"

"And I love you tsukisaur"

If any of you guys feel like self-harming or are feeling down my pm are always open and I'll be here for you guys. I love you my sweet potatoes

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