C.S~ Oikawa & Iwaizumi

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Character: Oikawa Tooru & Iwaizumi Hajime
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: I love you both
Request: Silver_Lee_Shin

(Third pov)

Oikawa and Iwaizumi followed behind their shared crush, they glared at each other at every chance they got. But at the same time, they couldn't help but feel somewhat giddy that their crush had invited them to go Christmas shopping.

They watched with small smiles on their faces as (M/n) eyes lit up like stars whenever he saw something he liked. They watched as he interacted with children and mothers with a bright smile on his face.

All three headed towards the food court and sat together. "What do you guys want to eat?" (M/n) asked, "Anything is fine, you can choose" Iwaizumi replied, (M/n) nodded before going to buy the food.

As soon as (M/n) was out of earshot, Iwaizumi turned towards Oikawa and glared, "Listen shittykawa, you are going to stay away from (M/n) because I'm going to confess to him on his birthday." Oikawa glared back just a s hard, kind of surprising Iwaizumi, "Well I like (M/n)-chan too and I'm going to confess tomorrow too."

They continued to glare at each other before (M/n) suddenly came back, "Are you guys okay?" They nodded their heads and watched as (M/n) sat down with a big pout on his face. "Are you okay, (M/n)-chan?" "I'm fine, just some old lady decided to try and tell me what I should and should wear."

Iwaizumi began to get up about to go fight the old lady but (M/n) was quick to grab his arm to stop him. "Anyway are you guys 100% sure that you're okay?" "No (M/n)-chan I'm not okay," Oikawa said in a dramatic tone. (M/n) put his hand on Oikawa's forehead. "You're not feeling feverish at all, Oikawa. Are you sick?"

Oikawa gave Iwaizumi a small smirk before turning back to (M/n) and pouting at him, "(M/n)-chan I'm feeling lovesick" "Oh do you have a crush on someone, Oikawa?" "I do. But here's the thing Iwaizumi and I have a crush on the same person and we don't know how to deal with it." Just as (M/n) was about to answer his name was called to get the food.

*time skip*

After having eaten they went to the park, and (M/n) spoke up once again, "So who is this person you guys have a crush on? Knowing you guys you're probably going at each other's throats every second of every day."

"I mean you're not wrong, (M/n)" Iwaizumi said nonchalantly. Suddenly, Oikawa grabbed (M/n) hand causing (M/n) to turn to him. (M/n) tilted his head before smiling softly at Oikawa, "(M/n) I have something to tell you" "You can tell me anything"

"Listen (M/n), the person we have a crush on is you. We planned to tell you tomorrow on your birthday but I honestly could not wait because we want to know if you perhaps have a crush on either of us." (M/n) stared at both of them.

"Do you perhaps like either of us?" Izumi asked. "I-i do" they stare at (M/n) expectantly, "Which one of us is it?" Oikawa asked, "Um both?" (M/n) said softly. Oikawa and Iwazumi stared at each other in surprise. "I guess I can deal with having shittykawa as a partner as long as I also have a calm person around," Iwauzumi said.

Oikawa gasped as he felt offended which just made (M/n) giggle. Oikawa and Iwaizumi looked at (M/n) before trapping him in a hug. "We love you (M/n), would you like to be our boyfriend?" They said at the same. (M/n) nodded his head and whispered back, "I love you both"

(M/n) was kissed on the forehead before Oikawa and Iwaizumi pulled away from the hug and each grabbed one of his hands before they continued the their walk down the snowy park.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes
Yes, Hi, Hello I'm in need of one more request for tomorrow

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