Kita x Suna

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Character: Kita Shinsuke and Suna Rintarou
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Our prince
Request: yougurtQ
Angel/Demon AU

(Third pov)

Once upon a time, there was a king and a queen who gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. If he rivaled the beauty and kindness of angels he'd win and if he rivaled the handsomeness and cheekiness of demons he'd also win.

Everyone knew of him even if you lived under a rock you'd still know about the human beauty that was that prince. The boy was now (age) years old and throughout the years he became even more of a beauty.

Currently, said the boy was walking through the woods looking for anything that attracted his eye. And in the end, he found a waterfall with many animals hanging around it.

(M/n pov)

I walk toward the waterfall the animals got curious and started to come around me. I let out a small giggle as a deer came and nudged my hand. I gently pet the deer's head before I take a seat on a rock. A bunny was quick to sit on my lap making me smile.

They all sat around me and I began to hum a small tune. I was so distracted by the animals that I didn't notice the angel and demon that were watching me from different trees. Suddenly, a baby deer waddled his way towards me and gently nudge my face with his face making me smile.

I hum before speaking, "Would you guys like to hear a song?" The animals looked at me and looked at me excited as if they understood what I asked.

I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream

But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
The way you did once upon a dream

I smiled as the animal looked like they fell asleep because of my voice. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a boy hiding behind a tree. Turning my head towards the tree, "Hey come on out. Just be quiet so you don't wake up the animals." I gasp slightly as I see a boy with brown hair and golden eyes with a halo and white wings step out from behind the tree.

I smile and waved him over before speaking up, "I know another person is watching me from the other trees." I hear footsteps and there was another boy with light grey hair and black tips and brown eyes, he also had horns and black wings.

I look at them both before smiling gently, "Hello, I would love to know your names seeing as though you guys have been watching me for a bit." They looked at each other before the angel spoke up, "My name is Suna Rintarou and I'm the prince of the angel kingdom." I smile and look over at the demon, "I'm Shinsuke Kita and I'm the prince of the demon kingdom."

They look at me expectantly as if waiting for me to introduce myself and that's what I do, "I'm (L/n) (M/n) and I'm the prince of the human kingdom." They looked surprised but I smiled and told them to take a seat. "Tell me about yourselves" and just like that, we spent the rest of the afternoon talking.

(Third pov)

And just like that once or twice a week they met up and spent the afternoon together and continued to get to know each other. Not long before they knew it all three had fallen for each other. Both Suna and Kita spoke to each other and agreed to get into a relationship and are now waiting for the next time they meet up with (M/n) so they could ask him if he wanted to date them.

And that day came faster than they had anticipated. They were quick to get nervous as they approached where they would usually meet up with (M/n) and there they saw him in all his glory reading a book while gently running his hand through the fur of a baby bunny.

Suna and Kita took a deep breath before walking towards the boy. (M/n) looked up and smiled at the boys once he heard them getting closer to me. But his smile faltered as he saw how the boys looked like they had a lot on their minds. "What's wrong?" Asked (M/n). Suna spoke up, "Um we were wondering if you'd like to be our boyfriend" (M/n) paused before blinking owlishly at them. "I-i would love to be your boyfriend"

(M/n) was quick to set his book down and the bunny before quickly jumping on top of Suna and Kita. Giggling he went ahead and pecked both Suna and Kita's lips one at a time.

Suna and Kita looked down at the boy in their arms with a small smile playing on their lips.

"Thank you for becoming our prince," Kita said and Suna nodded his head in agreement.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I don't know how I feel about it. I love you my sweet potatoes muah

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