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Character: Kuroo Tetsurou
Type: Very Fluffy☁️
Story Name: We are together

(M/n pov)

I let a small smile come upon my lips as I watched my omega interact with our teammates. It wasn't until I heard someone clear their throat from beside me that my loved filled gaze snapped away from Kuroo and towards the person. Standing beside me was Yaku who was staring at me with a raised eyebrow and a knowing look. "Yes, Yaku?" He chuckled a bit before speaking, "With the way you stare at Kuroo I'm surprised he doesn't know you have feelings for him" I stared at him confused and opened my mouth to inform him that Kuroo and I are already dating but before I could he puts a hand up, "Don't interrupt me. Anyway, I see the way you guys stare at each other when the other isn't looking. And honestly watching you guys flirt with your terrible pickup line honestly makes me cringe so why don't you hurry up and ask him out."

Before I could say anything he pushed me in the direction of Kuroo. I didn't have any time to react as I almost face planted the floor but Kuroo thankfully saved me. He giggled a bit before speaking, "You okay there (M/n)" I fully stood up before nodding my head and scratching the back of my neck, "I'm okay thanks." He stared at me for a moment before smirking, I already knew what that smirk was leading to which made me smirk in return, "Do you have 11 protons?" I could hear groans resonate throughout the gym before I raised an eyebrow at him silently telling him to continue, "Because you're sodium fine"

I laughed a bit before speaking up, "Do you have a bandaid?" He chuckled before nodding his head, "Good because I think I may have scraped my knee falling for you" we hear a bunch of commotion coming from around the gym especially gags and groans making us laugh. Kuroo smirked once again before speaking, "Here I got one better" I nodded my head wanting to hear it, "How about we go back to my place and form a covalent bond?" I light blush settled on my cheeks before I heard him laugh, "I think I'm winning this battle." I slightly glare at him before smirking at him. Walking over to him I put one of my hands on his cheek and the other on his hip. I stared down at him since I'm much taller before I spoke up with a love-filled gaze, "I wrote your name in the sky; a cloud removed that. I wrote your name in the sand; the wind blew that away. I wrote your name in my heart; nothing can remove that."

I watched with a small smile as a bright red blush settled on his cheeks before he attempted to stutter out another pickup line but since he was so flustered he couldn't do it. He looked down at the floor in embarrassment but I simply slipped two fingers underneath his chin before raising his head, "In a field full of flowers, you are a perfect rose. Which is why I love you so much, my love." He blushed even harder but I simply began leaning in. He gasped realizing what I was going to do before he closed his eyes, closing my own eyes I fully leaned in a pressed a gentle and warm kiss upon his lips. We pulled away before we leaned our foreheads against each other. We then hear Yamamoto fake crying before he yelled, "Why does Kuroo get a confession like that, and I don't."

I pull away from Kuroo before hugging him from behind. Kuroo looks at the team before speaking up, "Confession? What confession?" They all looked at him like he was stupid before Lev spoke up, "Um the one (M/n)-senpai just said to you." Kuroo stared at them before bursting out in laughter. I chuckled a hit watching him laugh, once he calmed himself he spoke up, "You guys are silly. But we are together, I'm surprised you guys didn't notice since we flirt so often" their jaws drop before they glared at both of us. "COULDN'T YOU GUYS TELL US?!?! THEN WE WOULDN'T HAVE HAD TO DEAL WITH ALL YOU FLIRTING AND YOUR CHEESY ASS PICK UP LINES" Yaku yelled making everyone agree. "Whoops" is Kuroo and I said before the entire time went back to throwing a fit. In between all the commotion, I leaned down towards Kuroo's ear before whispering, "I love you so much my nerd" be blushed a bit before smiling and replying, "I love you too alpha"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes. Sorry not sorry for the cringe.

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