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Character: Oikawa Tooru
Type: Super Fluffy☁️
Story Name: Cutie
Request: bokutos_baby
The reader is a femboy

(M/n pov)

I was sitting on my bed glaring down at the object in my hands. About a week ago I had gone to the eye doctor and they had informed me that I needed glasses. And today was the day that I had to pick them up.

I tried them on when I got home and I couldn't help but start to freak out a bit. I'm dating one of the most popular guys in my school, Tooru, and I can't help but feel like if he saw that I had glasses he would leave me because I no longer look good enough to stand by his side.

All that overthinking caused me to start crying and at some point get tired. I walked into my closet and grabbed Tooru's volleyball hoodie which reached down to my mid-thigh and some thigh high socks along with some short before laying on my bed hugging a pillow close to my body. Setting my glasses on my side table I laid down and fell asleep.

*time skip*

I felt myself being shaken awake, I slowly opened my eyes and went ahead and grabbed my glasses thinking that it was my mother the one that was waking me up to grab dinner. But my breath caught in my throat as I saw it was Tooru standing there with a small frown on his face.

I couldn't help but think he was upset because I was wearing glasses. "T-tooru w-what are y-you doing here" "Well I came to see you because you left school early and didn't tell me why. So what's going on? Why are your eyes puffy, were you crying?"

I looked down at my hands and began to play with my fingers, "I'm sorry Tooru" I whispered out. "There no need to apologize just yet, tell me why you were crying?" "This m-might seem stupid b-but I-i couldn't help but feel like you'd l-leave if y-you found out I got glasses, I-i kept thinking that y-you wouldn't want to go anywhere w-with me because I looked terrible now and I just kept overthink-"

I was cut off by Tooru kissing me on the lips. My eyes were wide but I slowly closed them as I started to kiss him back. The kiss was soft and it was as if he was pouring all of his love for me into the kiss. He gently picked me up and set me on his lap before he backed away from the kiss.

He gently grabbed my face and looked at my face with a gentle smile on his face. He pecked my lips again before speaking up, "Listen here little cutie, I feel in love with you for your personality, the way you look was just a bonus. You saw me for who I am and not just my looks and I couldn't help but feel like I finally met my soul mate. I think that with or without glasses you still look cute and that opinion will never change. So please my love never brings yourself down like that again. I love you for you and no matter I'll always stay by your side."

I smiled up at him with small tears prickling in the corner of my eyes. "Do you think I look good with glasses?" I whispered out. He nodded his head gave me an Eskimo kiss.

"You look amazing," he said. "I love you and thank you Tooru"

"I love you too, cutie"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. This one made me lowkey feel good cause I wear glasses too anyway I love you my sweet potatoes

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