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Character: Nishinoya Yuu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Is he okay?
Request: N/a

(Third pov)

Everyone could tell that Nishinoya wasn't acting like his usual self. He wasn't jumping on everyone or even trying to flirt with Kiyoko along with Tanaka. Which made Tanaka worry since he tried to get Noya to worship Kiyoko with him but he was flat put rejected.

Suga and Daichi walked toward Tanaka.

"Hey Tanaka do you know what's wrong with Nishinoya? He isn't being himself" asked Suga(mama) clearly worried for the second year.

"I don't know what is wrong with him but I hope he starts acting like himself soon"

They looked over a Nishinoya who seemed to be in a daze.

"Hey Nishinoya-senpai teach me rolli-" Hinata was cut off by the gym door being opened ever so slightly.

Everyone looked at the door to see a beautiful male peek his head in.

"Um is Nishinoya here?" the unknown male asks.

"Um yes but who is asking?" Daichi ask.

The boy blushes bright red and says, "I'm (L/n) (M/n), I am um Noya boyfriend" Everyone jaws drop but Daichi still manage to point to where Noya was sitting still in a daze, completely oblivious to the new persons arrival.

The boy smiles and gingerly walks over to where Noya is at. The boy himself was about as tall as Nishinoya or maybe shorter. Since Nishinoya was sitting down you really couldn't tell. The watch as (M/n) puts his hand on Noya head, effectively snapping him out of his daze.

They watch as Noya looks up with a sad look on his face but almost immediately brighten up as he sees (M/n).

"(M/N) BABY I MISSED YOU!!" Noya yells out and stand up. Most of the team could now see who was taller and to their surprise it was Noya.

(Noya pov)

I wrap my arms around my baby boy, gently picking him up and spinning him around. I missed him so freaking much. He smiles brightly his eyes shining like stars. I set him down and turn to my team. "Daichi can I go home early" he nods his head looking dumbfounded. I smile and quickly gather my thing and grab (M/n) smaller hand and drag him out of the gym screaming goodbye to my teammates.

*time skip to noya house*

Once we got to my house I took a quick shower and changed into comfy clothes and laid on my bed with my baby boy. I cuddled him with a small smile in my face.

"(M/n) I love you so much" he blushes and hides his face in my chest and mumbles something.

"What was that love I couldn't hear you" he blushes harder but repeats what he said

"I-i love you too" smiling at him

I lean in and peck his soft lips. The kiss isn't rushed or anything. It's soft, slow and full of pure love. We part and stare at each other.

"Please stay with me forever"

"I will my love" (M/n) says with an angel like smile.

I can't wait to marry this boy.


I hope you enjoyed it. It was kind of rushed but I thought I would do my baby Noya. I love you my sweet potatoes

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