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Character: Sakusa Kiyoomi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: No matter what

(Sakusa pov)

I nervously fiddled with my fingers as I waited for my alpha to finally arrive. He promised me that he would spend the weekend with me since he works so often but he finally got some days off so he's coming over and I can't help but feel nervous because this is the first time I'm having him over. I don't know whether or not it's a good idea to have them over knowing my phobia of germs might just get in the way.

I have told him about my phobia of germs but he says that it's fine and that he will do everything in his power to make me comfortable. But that just makes me feel like maybe I'm making him uncomfortable because I have to make him do things for me to not freak out from having germs near me that are not my own. Just as I was going to continue freaking out and overthinking I heard my doorbell ring.

Inhaling a deep breath I stood up from my couch and made my way over to my door. Once I was in front of the door I exhaled the breath I was holding the whole time and then opened the door only to see my lover and my alpha standing there in all his glory. He gave me a charming smile just before he spoke up, "Hello my love, I made sure to clean my car and to take a shower before I came over and I also disinfected the clothes that I'll be using while staying here"

I couldn't help but stare at him as a big blush settle down on my cheeks smiling gently I let him in. "Your apartment looks great my darling. Would you like for me to shower once again before I can hug and kiss you?" He asked was smiling gently at me. I nodded my head and showed him the way towards my bathroom. Once there he smiled at me before going in everything was quiet before I heard the shower turn on.

I made my way to my couch once again and sat down and I couldn't help but think that maybe the gods above were really on my side because they gave me a great alpha. He cares about me and my phobias and still stays by my side when I know just how difficult it is to be with someone like me. About 20 minutes passed before he walked out of the bathroom wearing new clothes and his hair slightly damp.

"Hey daring, do you happen to have a hairdryer I don't want to dry my hair with a wet towel" I walked over to him before pulling him by his hand over to the couch and sitting him on the ground. He looked at me confused but let me do what I wanted. I went to my bedroom before grabbing the hairdryer and an extra extension before walking back over to where I had him sitting down. I plugged everything in before I went ahead and sat on the couch right behind him.

Since my legs were against his back he moved his head to where it was laying on my knees and he looked up at me with a silly smile. "Look towards the tv I'm going to dry your hair," I said softly to which he simply did as told. Grabbing a hairbrush I begin to dry and brush his hair as he simply closes his eyes and hummed to the sound the hairdryer was making. He wasn't necessarily singing or humming anything in particular but it still was nice and it made me realize just how perfect he was.

Once I finish drying his hair I patted his shoulder silently telling him that he could get up. Once he got up he sat down next to me and look down at me I couldn't help but bust a little bit and look down at my knees. He gently rested his head on top of mine before rubbing his thumb against my knuckles. Bringing one of my hands towards his lips he pressed a small kiss against them which in turn made me blush harder. I looked down once again before speaking up, "I'm sorry you had to do all that work just to for you to be able to stay over. Sometimes I wished I didn't have this phobia"

He gently grabbed my chin making me look at him. Once I looked at him I noticed the small frown on his handsome face, "Listen here my love, I love you no matter what. Doesn't matter to me whether you have a phobia or not. You are the same as everyone else. You are my loving and caring omega you understand?" I nodded my head with small tear prickling in the corner of my eyes. He wiped them away before placing a small kiss on my lips and pulling me close to him and cuddling me into his chest.

'What a great weekend this is going to be' I couldn't help but think as I cuddled closer to his chest.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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