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Character: Asahi Azumane
Type: Ever so slight angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: Embarrassing

(Asahi pov)

I've recently noticed that my boyfriend (M/n) has been spending a lot of time with Yachi and Kiyoko. They're always giggling and whispering between themselves when we're on break. When I asked about it he dismissed it and told me that I had nothing to worry about. Even though I had no reason to be worried about what was going on my head couldn't help but overthink. I sighed as I watched from the bench as (M/n) and the girls whispered between each other once again. I suddenly felt a slap on my back making me wince a bit before I looked up at the culprit only to see Sugawara staring at me with a small smile.

"What's got you so down Asahi?" I sighed again before looking down at the floor before clasping my hands together and replying in a low voice, "(M/n) has been spending a lot of time with Yachi and Kiyoko and I can't help but overthink. And when I asked him about it he told me I had nothing to worry about" Sugawara hummed in understanding before he sat down next to me, "I don't think you have anything to worry about Asahi. From what I can tell whenever you're not looking (M/n) stares at you with so much love and care that it sickens me how sweet he is" he said gagging a bit making me laugh a bit. "Yeah you're right I shouldn't worry. Thank you, Sugawara" "No problem"

*Time skip 3 days*

It's been three days since my conversation with Sugawara and I continued waiting for (M/n) to tell me what's been going on with him but in the end, I got nothing. We were currently taking a break after practicing for an hour. I sighed as I sat on the bench and drank water and wiped my face with a towel before I heard my boyfriend speak up, "If I could please get your attention" everyone including myself stared at him in confusion before he smiled towards me and pointed at me, "This one for you Asahi." As soon as he said that Yachi and Kiyoko came out of nowhere and stood behind (M/n) before Kiyoko clicked play on her phone.

*Play the song*

I blushed bright red as (M/n) began singing and dancing with Yachi and Kiyoko being his backup dancers/singers. Once he was done he walked towards me before placing his hands on my face, "I love you Asahi" I blushed even harder as I heard cheering come from everyone around the gym. I avoid eye contact before stuttering out, "I-i love y-you too" he chuckled before leaning down and pecking my lips again making me blush and hide my face in his chest. "This is so embarrassing" I mumbled into his chest making him chuckle once again.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I thought we needed some fluff since I did two cheating stories anyway I love you my sweet potatoes.

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