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Character: Asahi Azumane
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Y-you didn't have to come

(Asahi pov)

"Asahi what's wrong buddy?" I heard Nishinoya say, immediately catching the attention of everyone else. I blushed and started to freak out, "Ah n-nothing is wrong I was just thinking about something." Sugawara came up to me next, "And what's that Asahi?" He asked while wiggling his eyebrows. "Um well, my mate asked me if he could and finally meet all of you and well I had no idea if you guys would be comfortable with me bringing them here." They all stared at me, "It's fine Asahi-senpai you should bring your mate over" Hinata exclaimed. "Are you sure?" They all nodded their heads making me smile a bit. "Um just if he does come please don't be scared of him he's nice and like umm a gentle giant" they gave me questioning looks before nodding their heads.

🐻💕: Hey (M/n)

🐻❤️: Hey baby bear, do you need anything from me? Money, food, or a ride?

🐻💕: Oh no I don't but I was wondering if you still wanted to meet my team

🐻❤️: Oh I would love to bear but if you're not comfortable it's okay. You don't have to force yourself to introduce them to me, I respect your boundaries.

🐻💕: You make me fall for you more and more every day but anyway yes it's fine for you to come and meet them.

🐻❤️: Alright baby bear I'll be there in less than 10. I love you

🐻💕: I love you too

I looked up and saw the team staring at me with smirks on their lips. I looked over at Sugawara, Daichi, Tanaka, and Nishinoya and saw them wiggling their eyebrows at me. "Guess your mate makes you happy, huh? Blushing and smiling so big while texting them" teased Daichi, making my blush darker. I let out a nervous and awkward laugh, "Let's get back to practice"

*time skip*

While we were practicing there was a knock at the gym door before it opened and my lover walked through it. He smirked in my direction and it wasn't long till I heard Hinata and Nishinoya yell, "Ahhh it's a demon." I blushed bright red and attempted to shush them, "It's alright baby bear. I'm used to those reactions remember. I mean remember when we first met. You yelled so loud I'm surprised I didn't go deaf." I blushed harder before I walked over to him and buried my face in my chest. "Anyways sorry for the late introduction, I'm Asahi mate/lover, (L/n) (M/n). It's nice to finally meet all of you" I turned around and saw them smiling at my mate which made me smile too. "I guess we should introduce ourselves, I'm Daichi Sawamura the team's captain and Asahi's long time friend"

One by one they all began introducing themselves. It wasn't long before we were all sitting in a circle and I was sitting on his lap while hiding my face in my hands. "Y-you didn't have to come and embarrass me like this," I said whining a bit. For the last 10 minutes, the guys plus (M/n) have been telling embarrassing stories about me and at some point, it felt like I was gonna blow up from embarrassment and how much blood was raised to my face and head. (M/n) chuckled before he grabbed my hand and kissed it, "Sorry, baby bear I just wanted to see how you are during practice and games." I pouted and blushed harder before shaking my head, "I-I guess it's fine. Just please stop with the embarrassing stories." "NEVER!" They all screeched and continued telling stories. I pouted but froze when I felt (M/n) whisper in my ear, "I love you my baby bear" "I love you too"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes. 

Next up:
Iwaizumi Hajime

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