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Character: Sugawara Koushi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Prettier than any flower
*Soulmate AU*
R/c~ Random country

(M/n pov)

I hummed a bit as I looked at myself in the mirror, I was mentally and physically preparing myself for my first day of school in Japan. As I was fixing my hair, I smiled a bit when I saw the flower tattoo on my wrist. The flower signifies that I have a soulmate and that I still have to find them because the flower hasn't bloomed yet. After I finished getting ready I began my walk towards Karasuno high. Arriving at the school I looked around to see the students already looking at me but I chose to ignore it as I made my way towards the schools' offices. Stepping inside is the office I see an old lady and what seems to be a boy my age.

"Are you the new student?" the lady asked to which I nodded my head. "Alright then here's your schedule and this is your student guide," she said pointing at the boy. He walked up to me and bowed before introducing himself, "Ennoshita Chikara, and you?" I bowed back before speaking up, "Umm I'm (L/n) (M/n) nice to meet you, and please take care of me" he smiled a bit before we walked out of the office. He began to explain how everything worked in the school and how even though I'm a second year I had to join a club since it was my first time at this school. "Do you happen to like anything? Because we have a lot of clubs that you could join" I hummed a bit before shrugging my shoulders. "I don't necessarily have one thing I like more than others so I'll see. Do you participate in any clubs?" I asked.

He nodded his head, "I play volleyball so I'm on the volleyball team. If you'd like after classes I can take you to see it" I simply nodded my head and flinched a bit when I heard the school bell ring. "Ah it's time for class, come on we have the same class" I nodded and followed after him. Arriving at the classroom he informed the teacher about me and then she walked up to me introduced herself and asked me to introduce myself to the class. "Umm hello I'm (L/n) (M/n), I came from r/n and I like (f/d). Um please take care of me" Once I was done with my introduction the teacher asked me to sit next to Ennoshita so I did.

I followed behind Ennoshita for the rest of the day as he showed me how the school system worked in Japan. I didn't realize just how different it would be compared to r/c. It was now after school and I was following behind Ennoshita as he took me to the schools' gym. "Before we walk in let me warn you, my team is full of crackheads and there's a 100% that someone is going to try something" I chuckled and nodded my head. Walking inside I caught sight of a ball hurdling straight at me. I gasped before I reacted quickly and received the ball sending it back towards the person who spiked it. All eyes were on me and I just hit l hide behind Ennoshita. "What the- You received the ball better than one of our first years" I heard a boy with a bald head say.

Ennoshita sighed before he turned towards me, "When were you going to tell me you could do that?" I shrugged my shoulders and just rolled his eyes a bit before turning towards his team, "Guys meet (M/n). He's new to the school" I smiled a bit and waved from behind Ennoshita. I watched as the most gorgeous male with silver hair and hazel eyes walked up to me with the kindest smile. "Hello, I'm Sugawara Koushi the vice-captain of the Karasuno volleyball team." I stared at him before I suddenly felt a sting on my wrist. I looked down and saw my flower tattoo bloomed. I looked up from my flower at him with wide eyes, he had the same look on his face, "Soulmates?" I whispered out.

He smiled brightly before he walked closer to me, "Can I hug you?" I stared at him before nodding my head. He immediately pulled me into a hug, I nuzzled my face into his chest as he chuckled from above me. "The flowers are so pretty" I whispered out. "You're prettier than any flower," he said making me blush bright red. We continued hugging even though we heard cheers in the background. "Ignore my stupid teammates" he whispered in my ear making me giggle in response.

And that's the story of how I met the love of my life.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Lev Haiba(Soulmate AU)

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