Cheater! Oikawa x Kageyama

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Character: Oikawa Tooru and Kageyama Tobio
Type: Angst💔, Fluffy Ending☁️
Story Name: I'll beat him up

(M/n pov)

I slipped on a pair of vans before making my way out of my house to go see Oikawa at his team practice. On my way there I stopped by a store to buy some milk bread for him. Leaving the store I heard my phone ring so I took it out and saw that it was my best friend Kageyama who was calling me. I went ahead and answered the phone.

(M/n)✨: Hey Kags what's up?

🫐: (N/n) where are you and what are you doing?

✨: I'm on my way to see Oikawa at his team practice, why?

🫐: Oh I was going to ask whether or not you wanted to come over to play games or to help me practice or to bake something but since you're going to see him.

✨: Oh umm how about after I'm done visiting him I go see you

🫐: No it's okay I know you want to spend time with him boke

✨: Alright see you then cause I'm at the school

🫐: Alright bye boke

Ending it at that I hung up before I continued walking towards the gym. I approach the door I noticed how it's slightly ajar so I peek in to see what my boyfriend was doing and imagine my surprise when I saw a girl kissing upon him and him not rejecting her. He had his arm around her waist as he spoke to the rest of the team. I stomped inside before I picked up a stray volleyball and hit the back of his head with it. He turned around to yell at whoever had hit him but when he saw me he pushed the girl away with wide eyes. I glared at him before I threw the milk bread straight at his face. I angrily walked towards him before proceeding to connect my fist with his cheek.

He fell to the top of the ground with a thud as the girl screamed in horror and something about hurting her precious Oikawa-san. I glared down at him before speaking up, "Everyone warned me not to date the popular guy. I gave you the benefit of the doubt to think you turned out the way everyone warned me you would. Also, let's get something straight. Don't contact me, don't call me, text me, or even fucking look at me ever again you piece of garbage. Iwaizumi was right to call you shittykawa and trashykawa" with that I turned around and walked off.

I pulled out my phone and texted Kageyama to tell him I was coming over. He texted me multiple times but I didn't answer I just kept making my way towards his house. Finally approaching his house I knocked on the door. He opened the door and glared at me, "Boke why didn't yo-" before he could finish his sentence I collapsed into his arms before I began crying hard. He gasped and gently picked me up, he wrapped my arms around his neck and then wrapped my legs around his waist as I continued crying into his shoulder. He closed the front door before walking towards his bedroom. We entered his room and he closed his door before he sat on his bed me sitting on his lap while crying into his shoulder.

He rubbed my back without saying anything, just waiting for me to calm down. Once I had calmed down enough to where the only sound coming from me were sniffles. He pushed me back a bit so that we were looking at each other and then gently put a hand on my cheek wiping away any stray tears. After wiping my tears he spoke up, "Why were you crying? Who do I have to kill?" I stared at him before giggling a bit making him smile a bit. I smiled before letting out a sigh, "Oikawa cheated on me and when I found out today when I went to see him" he glared at absolute nothing before he sighed. "Listen, (M/n) I never wanted to say anything but I knew he wasn't any good for you. You're an amazing person and he was an asshole. Maybe that's why I have feelings for you" he froze when he realized what he said. But I just sighed and smiled a bit before laying my head onto his chest.

"I just broke up with an asshole so if you could give me some time..." "Yeah of course also I'll beat him up if you want" I chuckled a bit and shook my head. He nodded and began playing with my hair. We ended up falling asleep in each other's arms.

*time skip*

It was a couple of months after the incident and currently, I was on my way to go see Kageyama at his volleyball game against Aoba Johsai. He told me that I didn't have to come but I said I wanted to and the main reason I said I'd go was that I would like to see how the person I've fallen for plays. I sat on the stands and waited for the game to start. I watched as both teams stepped out onto the court. I saw Kageyama looking and when he made eye contact with me his eyes lit up like fireworks. I waved at him and he immediately waved back but when Hinata asked what he was doing he yelled at him to shut up with s big blush on his face making me giggle.

I watched the entire game while sitting on the edge of my seat. I watched as Kageyama glared at Oikawa momentarily before he scored the winning point with a setters dump. Everyone on the Karasuno side cheered loudly including me. I watched as other people went down to either congratulate or express their words of encouragement towards the teams. I quickly ran down and looked around for Kageyama. I could see him looking for me so I cupped my hands over my mouth before yelling, "Kageyama." His head snapped over to me and when we made eye contact I ran towards him and jumped on top of him. I grabbed his face with both of my hands before smashing our lips together. As we kissed we heard cheers coming from behind us but we ignored it for the most part. We broke the kiss before I smiled up at him.

"D-does this man you like me back?" I giggled at the blush that formed on his cheeks before nodding my head. He awkwardly smiled before picking me up and spinning me around. He set me down and pecked my lips again, "Thank you for accepting my feelings, would you um like to be my boyfriend?" I smiled a bit and nodded my head. And just like that I started dating the man I would marry in the future but at the moment I didn't even know.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Ushijima Wakatoshi (Omegaverse)

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