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Character: Kenma Kozume
Type: Lemon 🍋
Story Name: I'll give you attention
*Aged up*

(M/n pov)

Kenma and I were at his reunion dinner for the Nekoma volleyball team everything was going well and Kenma was interacting with the team which left me to keep to myself since I didn't know the team all that well. I looked over at Kenma as he was talking to his best friend Kuroo and I couldn't help but notice how good he looked and sounded

He was wearing an expensive suit, his hair was pulled back into a man bun and his voice was deep and sultry. In all honesty, just listening to him talk made me feel all hot and needy. I gently tug on his sleeve immediately getting his attention. "Yes, kitten?" I look up at him and he knew that he had to bring his ear towards me. Once he did that I whispered, "Master I'm horny" he leaned back and glared at me before whispering in my ear. "Such a slut kitten, we are out in public and in front of my friends too. Wait till we get home." I pout as he goes back to talking to his friends.

It was another 20 minutes of Kenma ignoring me and me having a hard-on. I knew I couldn't leave the bathroom and do something about it. I decided to get Kenma railed up enough for him to say that we had to leave. Was this a good idea? No. Did I care at this point? Also no.

I gently laid my hand on his thigh. I could feel him look at me but I was looking at my phone scrolling through Instagram. Kuroo asked him a question that made Kenma look back in the direction of his friends. I let my hand slide up his thigh until it was near his cock. I felt a hand grab my wrist but I continued what I was doing. I was close enough to where my fingers could brush up against his cock.

I began to feel him through his pants. He began to get hard but he kept his hand on my wrist squeezing it lightly. I could tell he was getting more and more irritated by the minute. Out of nowhere, he pushed my hand away from him and he pulled out his wallet and slammed some money on the table before grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the restaurant after telling his ex-teammates that he'll see them at another date.

Before we left we heard Kuroo and Yamamoto yell out 'get some.' He pushed me into the passengers' seat before he walked around and got into the driver's seat and started to drive back home. No words were said during the entire car ride and that honestly had me worried.

Once we got home, I got out of the car and so did he. I walked through the door before him. Before I had any time to react he closed and locked the house door. I turned towards him because I could feel the dangerous aura coming from him. He stared at me like prey and before he walked towards me. Every step he took towards me made me step back.

Before I knew it I hit a wall and Kenma was glaring down at me. He grabbed my face before roughly kissing me on the lips. I moaned into the kiss and whined a bit. He tapped my thigh and I immensely knew what he was asking for. As soon as I jumped up, he slammed my back into the wall.

He pulled back from the kiss and a string of saliva connecting our lips. He stared at me darkly before smirking at me.

"I'll give you attention but just know that I won't be stopping until the only thing that comes out of that dirty mouth of yours is my name"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I will not be making a part two but I will allow for your minds to run wild. I love you my sweet potatoes

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