Miya Twins

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Character(s): Atsumu and Osamu Miya
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Choose one
Request: -SulyLucyVan

(M/n pov)

Another day at Inazaraki High School where everything is sweet like candy and I'm a pretty angel that everyone wished they were...

Ha yeah okay

I'm currently hiding in the bathroom from the Miya twins. They both confessed to me at the same time and the only thing I could do was run like my fucking life depended on it. I hope they didn't expect me to choose one of them because, in reality, I don't think I could ever choose one of them.

I hear the bathroom door open followed by a sigh, "(M/n), are you in here?" I knew that voice it was Suna. I walk out of the stall with my head hung in embarrassment.

"Why did you run away from them?"

"Because they both confessed to me and honestly I like them both and I don't want to have to choose one because I don't want the other to hate the other or hate me. So my only thought was to run as far away as possible and that's how I came to be in the bathroom at this moment" I say without taking a breath.

"Maybe instead of hiding, you should tell them your concerns. Osamu will listen, I'm not too sure about Atsumu but he'll probably listen to anything you say"

Taking in a deep breath I say, "Yeah, you're probably right" "I'm always right, by the way, they're waiting by the fountains. I told them I would talk to you since the begged and before you say anything yes Osamu begged too." With that, he left the bathroom. Looking at where Suna was once standing I let out a sigh and went looking for the twins.

-At the Fountain-

I finally found the twins, "Atsumu, Osamu". Their heads snapped over to me and they were both looking at me with hope in their eyes.

"We have to talk" The hope in their eyes faltered ever so slightly as they slowly nodded their heads in understanding. Taking a deep breath I start off with what I had to say. "I really like the both of you and I'm glad that you guys feel the same way about me but I won't be able to choose between you. I would absolutely hate to make either of you hate each other or me"

They look at each other and nod their heads and with that Osamu speaks up, "We have come to the compromisation in order to not have you get upset. We are okay with you dating both of us. We tend to share things a lot and you mean the world to us so..." They smile and I couldn't help smile back with tiny tears in the corner of my eyes.

Suddenly, I'm wrapped up in two pairs of arms and kissed simultaneously in my cheeks.

"Thank you for liking me"

"No thank YOU for liking our crazy asses back," Said Atsumu

We smile at each other and that was the start of a beautiful and crackhead energy-filled relationship.

I hope you enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes💕❤

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