Matsukawa x Hanamaki

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Character: Matsukawa Issei and Hanamaki Takahiro
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: How long we've waited
*Soulmate AU*

(M/n pov)

"Buuuuut shooooyo-saaaan, I dooooon't wannnnna" I cried out as Hinata dragged me towards the gym. Today was the day where all of the local volleyball teams would be meeting to have practice matches. This meant that as the new member I would have to meet the members of Aoba Johsai, Date Tech, Shiratorizawa, Nekoma, and more and play against them. I groaned as he continued dragging me though we did get some weird looks seeing as though a 5'5 guy with orange hair dragging a 5'8 guy with (h/c) hair. I groaned louder as we arrived at the gym and everyone was already staring outside clearly waiting for Hinata and me.

Hinata gasped loudly before beginning to bow, I rolled my eyes before throwing the bag I was holding the whole time over my shoulder. "It's fine Hinata. Let's just get going" with that we got onto the bus and began our drive towards their training camp thingy. I could hear everyone excitedly talking to each other but I wasn't in the mood to talk with them so I put my AirPods in before going on TikTok. As I was scrolling by I came across a page that posted old vines. I couldn't help but laugh while watching them. I continued watching them until we finally arrived at the training camp.

We all got down from the bus but I kept my headphones on because I didn't want to speak to anyone. I continued to follow after my team while looking down at my phone. I felt someone tap my shoulder so I looked over at them and was surprised to see that it was Kageyama. I raised an eyebrow before pulling out my headphone. "Coach is talking to us" I nodded my head before pausing my music and paying attention to the coach. "Alright, first things first we'll be putting out belongings in the dorms that were set up for us, and then we'll be meeting up with the rest of the teams in the cafeteria for lunch." We all nodded our head in understanding and coach Ukai simply hummed in response.

*Time skip*

After we all changed into our practice clothes we made our way toward the cafeteria to have lunch. As I was walking there I could hear a commotion coming from the cafeteria. I couldn't help but grimace a bit because I might be a loud person but I hate loud places. As we continued walking I looked down at my wrist to see two different colored sentences on my wrist. One in black that said, 'Country boy, I love youuuuu' and another one in light brown that said, 'Two bros chilling in a hot tub five feet apart cause they're not gay.' Every time I look down at my wrist I'm reminded that I have two cultured mates.

As my team and I walked through the cafeteria doors we walked into what seemed like a boxing match. A tall redhead was wearing the Shiratorizawa training uniform, along with another tall bed-head guy wearing the Nekoma training uniform, as well as an owl-looking boy standing next to him who was clearly from Fukurodani. And last but not least two boys with black and light brown hair wearing the Aoba Johsai training uniform. "You can't make us laugh. You guys are from Aoba Johsai your captain is a literal joke" said the bed-head guy. I heard an offended gasp come from another table. We got closer and we were standing behind the two boys from Aoba Johsai.

They looked at each other before nodding their heads, the black-haired boy suddenly grabbed the redhead's shirt before smirking, "Country boy, I love youuuuu, ah" he said as he stuck his tongue out. I stifled laughter as he walked back to the other guys. The other black hair guy stepped up before pointing outside to the coaches who were in the pool while drinking. He pointed at our couches before smirking, "Two bros chilling in a hot tub five feet apart cause they're not gay" everyone stood frozen before laughter burst through the whole cafeteria.

Suddenly, I was pushed forward after the lunch lady said that we need to get food now or there would be no more food left and everyone ran to eat. Thinking no one would hear me I whispered out, "I could've dropped my croissant." I heard two people gasp simultaneously before the black and light hair males were in front of me. "You're our soulmate aren't you?" The black-haired one asked. I stared at them in confusion before looking down at my wrist and seeing the sentences changed to names. "Matsukawa and Hanamaki" "Yes that's us!" They exclaimed. "It's nice to meet you guys" they looked at each other before pulling me into a hug. "You have no idea how long we've waited for you."

I blushed a bit before smiling at them, "Well don't worry I'm here now"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Tendou Satori (Fantasy AU)

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