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Character: Akaashi Keiji
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: My moon
Request: Butterfl3

(M/n pov)

I pout as I looked out the window seeing the beautiful full moon. The reason I'm upset is that Akaashi said he was going to spend the night at my house but then an alarm went off on his phone and he immediately said he couldn't come over. But I understood and let him be.

I sigh, 'I have way too many thoughts I won't be able to go to sleep.' I get up and slip on some boots and a thin jacket. I began walking down the street. Just before I turned to the right where I always go I heard a noise. See I'm not stupid enough to follow the random noise down the scary dark woods but I am bored and kinda need excitement in my life. So I went to the towards the sound.

I cautiously walked through the woods making sure to not step on anything that might attract attention towards me from the animals in the woods. As I was looking around in the distance I saw a figure that looked somewhat familiar. My logic was telling me I should run home but my dumbass didn't listen and continue to get closer to the figure.

My jaw drops as I see Akaashi standing there in all his glory with the moon shining down at him. Just before I could speak I heard the sicking sound of bones breaking. Now there was a large black wolf where Akaashi once stood.

I cover my mouth as to not scream before starting to walk backward only to step on a branch. The wolf's head snaps over to me before I could even run he was on top of me baring his teeth at me. I started to cry but stayed as still as possible. Before I could do much else he licked my face and then sniffed my neck before biting me. With that, I scream in pain and pass out.

(Akaashi pov)

I was finally able to take control of my wolf and looked down to see my lover bleeding, passed out with dried tears on his cheeks. I let out a whimper before gently picking him up and bringing him to my house.

Once we got to my house I transformed back into my human body before picking up (M/n) and taking him to my room. I began to care for his wound before sitting next to him on the floor. I spent the rest of the night making sure he was okay.

*time skip*

(M/n pov)

I let out a groan as I wake up taking a look around I see that I'm not in the woods or my room. I was about to get up when I felt a hand on my arm keeping me down. I look to see Akaashi asleep. Images of last night's event replay in my mind before I got up and woke Akaashi up.

Akaashi began to wake up and once we made eye contact he backed away from me and didn't make any eye contact with me. Taking a deep breath I asked, "Are you a werewolf? And why did you bite me?" I stay as calm as possible as I asked. He began to let out a soft whine before answering me, "I'm a werewolf and I bit you because you're my mate" I hum in thought before walking towards him.

"It's okay Keiji. I'm not mad at you or anything" his head snaps up to me before he cautiously walked towards me. "So you're gonna stay with me?" I giggle before nodding my head. "I think I've read enough werewolf based Wattpad stories to know how sexy werewolf boyfriends are. Also, am I gonna turn into a wolf too because that would be super cool?" He laughs before nodding his head.

He gently pulls me into a hug before kissing my forehead, "thank you for accepting me" "always Keiji"

"I love you, my moon," he said.

"I love you to my sexy werewolf," I say wiggling my eyebrows at him.

I don't even know what this is but I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you for all the requests. I have a long list of requests to finish so for the next couple of days you guys are gonna get a bunch of new one-shots. I hope you enjoy, I love you my sweet potatoes muah

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