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Character: Nishinoya Yuu
Type: Slight Angst💔, Lemon 🍋
Story Name: No need
Request: Kitsune_secret

(M/n pov)

I watched from the sidelines as Yuu and Tanaka cried over how beautiful Kiyoko was and how amazing she was and they loved when she ignored them. I couldn't help but feel jealous, everyone knew that Yuu and I are dating but he's still simping for Kiyoko at any chance he gets.

I couldn't help but feel that maybe if I was a pretty girl and wore the girls' uniform Yuu would like me more. I continued to stare at them getting sadder and sadder by the moment even before I had any time to react tears were going down my face.

I quickly got up and grabbed my stuff, just as I was about to walk out of the gym I looked back at Yuu to see him still trying to talk to Kiyoko. Even more, e tears ran down my face as I walked home.

(Suga(mama) pov)

I couldn't help but watched with a frown on my face as my favorite child walked out of the gym tears streaming down his face. I saw him look at Nishinoya just before he left so I turn my gaze from the gym door over to Nishinoya and I couldn't help but feel my heartbreak for my child.

My frown increased and I guess everyone in the gym could feel my dangerous aura because they all shivered and looked over at me. Nishinoya stared at me wide-eyed as he realized my glare was on him and only him. Walking over to him I grab him by the ear and whispered in his ear as he whined in pain, "You have exactly three seconds to leave this gym and go to (M/n) before I beat your ass, he left the gym crying because of you."

(Nishinoya pov)

I couldn't help but pause my whining in pain from what Suga had said. I looked up at Suga and he glared harder and let go of my ear and pointed his finger towards the gym door. I grabbed my stuff and ran towards (M/n) house.

I let out a breath of slight exhaustion as I had just run from the gym to (M/n). I ignored the slight pain in my chest as I pull out the spare key that (M/n) gave me. Opening the door to his house I walked towards his room. I gently put my ear to his door and couldn't help but let my heartbreak at the sounds of (M/n) sobs.

I slowly opened the door, walking inside the room (M/n) moved his head to look up at me. We ended up making eye contact and I couldn't help but notice how red and puffy his eyes were. As I was about to walk towards him he frowned and threw the closes thing at me. Which happened to be a pillow that I ended up catching. I sighed before sitting on the corner of his bed, I wanted to get closer to him but he was glaring at me.

"Um Suga told me you left the gym crying, can I know why?" He stared at me without saying anything at all making me sigh and looked down at my hands, "If I did something please tell me I don't want you to be mad at me." He started to tear up a bit making me panic but before I could say anything else he spoke up, "Y-your always f-flirting with Kiyoko and I-i can't h-help but feel like maybe I should've been a girl so that you can maybe you could pay attention to me"

I couldn't help but feel guilty, but I quickly stood up and walked towards him. I gently took him into my arms before speaking, "No need to be jealous my love. I promise you that you're the only one in my heart. I was just trying to help Tanaka win Kiyoko over. And I don't need you to be a girl because you're perfect just the way you are"

He smiled up at me with slight tears in his eyes, "Really?" I nodded my head before smirking, "How about I show you how much I love you, baby boy?"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. This is part one of two so please wait for part two cause it's gonna be smut. Anyway I love you my sweet potatoes

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