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Character: Suna Rintarou
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: My prince
*Fantasy AU*

(M/n pov)

I was lifting weights when I heard someone's voice, "(M/n)?" I put the weights down and turned towards the owner of the voice, "Is everything okay, your highness?" He rolled his eyes, "I told you to call me Atsumu but anyway some other princes are coming to visit so would it be okay for you to put on a show?" I raised an eyebrow and pulled off my shirt before wiping my sweat off with a spare towel. "I don't remember signing up to be an entertainer for you, your highness. I'm pretty sure I signed up to be a knight for you and your brother." He shrugged before speaking up, "Please my brother and I have told them about you and how amazing you are and well now they want to see if it's true." I stared at him as he gave me his puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes before groaning loudly, "Fine this is the first and last time I do this."

He smiled before running off. I'm guessing to tell his brother. I sighed and went to my room. I took a shower and changed into some practice clothes with included gray sweats, a black tank top, sneakers, and fingerless gloves. Knowing Atsumu he'd probably bring them to the outside arena considering the weather was nice. I went towards it and saw a bunch of my fellow knights. They waved and patted me on the back as I walked by them. I began to remove everything out of the fighting rink knowing that Atsumu would probably want me to combat with my fellow knights. Just as I finished cleaning I heard someone yell, "(M/N)!!" I looked over and saw Atsumu waving wildly at me while his brother glared at him. I rolled my eyes and looked at all of the princes but one specifically caught my eye.

He had black hair and these beautiful grayish-yellow eyes that could draw you in like the waves. We made eye contact and I could tell that he was blushing. I simply smirked and turned towards the other knights. Ever since I became a knight here I've climbed the ranks until I was one of the captains to a group of knights. "Do any of you wish to get out of practice?" They all immediately nodded and raised their hands knowing that a full day of practice with me meant literal death. I smirked before speaking up, "Alright then combat me in a 1v1 and I might just let you out of practice." Their eyes widened before most put their hands down. About three guys kept their hands up. "Alright, you three come up here and introduce yourself to the audience." They all stepped up and bowed to the princes before one by one speaking up, "I'm Bokuto Koutaro" "I'm Kuroo Tetsurou" "And I'm Ushijima Wakatoshi" Once they had all introduced themself we got ready to combat against each other.

First, it was Bokoto vs Me. I ended up winning. Then it was Kuroo against me. I ended up winning again and now it was the last fight, Ushijima against me.

I won once again and helped pick up my knights and send them off with the other guys to the infirmary. I turned around when I heard footsteps from behind me. I looked all off the princes as they had these teasing smirks on their faces. Suddenly, the boy from before was pushed forward and into my arms. He blushed before he glared at them and apologized to me. "It's quite alright, your highness. Now if I may ask what's going on?" Atsumu smirked before he yelled, "Suna said that you're hot, and then he wouldn't mind if you raile-" He got cut off by his brother who dragged him away. Everyone else left me and the boy whose name I just learned was Suna alone. "Please don't pay attention to Atsumu, he's just a bitch." I chuckled a bit before I grabbed his chin, "From what I could tell I don't think he was lying. I could practically feel your eyes undressing me while I was combating." He blushed bright red before running off just before he was out of sight he yelled, "I would love to see you again" "Same with me" I yelled back.


I groaned a bit as I opened my eyes. I looked around for a second because I didn't recognize where I was. As I was looking around I looked down and saw that Suna was laying in my arms. I smiled softly before pecking his forehead, "Can't believe that's how we met, my prince."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Brother! Kageyama Tobio x Kunimi Akira

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