Cheater! Kuroo x Bokuto

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Character: Kuroo Tetsurou and Bokuto Koutarou
Type: Angst💔, Fluffy Ending☁️
Story Name: Honestly fuck him

(M/n pov)

(M/n): Hey Ku, hope you're training camp is going well. I miss you a lot and I really can't wait to see you and I hope you are resting and taking care of yourself.

ChemNerd🥺💕: Yeah listen I'll ttyl. Bye.

(M/n): Oh okay bye love you💕

I sighed sadly as I looked down at my phone and the messages between Kuroo and me. I decide not to spend another day sulking on how Kuroo has been treating me recently so I got up from my bed and got dressed. After getting dressed I grabbed my phone, wallet, and camera before walking out of my house. Beginning my walk towards the ice cream shop I took pictures of things I found pretty before I finally made it. Ordering (f/f) ice cream I walked back out and made my way towards the park where Kuroo had asked me to be his boyfriend. Sitting down on the bench I looked around at all the couples and families with a small smile on my face as I continued to eat my ice cream.

Once I finished up my ice cream I began to take pictures of the flowers, animals, and trees. I sighed a bit sorta wishing Kuroo was here with me. I continued taking pictures for the next hour until I heard my phone ring. I quickly pull it out thinking it was Kuroo but my eyebrows furrowed when I saw it was my older brother Morisuke who was the one who texted me.

Mori✨: (N/n), where are you right now?

(N/n)✨: I'm at the park, why?

Mori✨: I just wanted to make sure you were okay before I showed you something serious.

(N/n)✨: Mori is everything okay? You're scaring me. What are you going to show me?

Mori✨: *Picture Attachment* I'm sorry (N/n)

Clicking on the image my hand flew towards my mouth as tears prickled in the corners of my eyes. I composed myself before I ran towards my house getting into my car and drove towards the training camp that was being held at Nekoma. While I drove my phone rang multiple times massages from Morisuke coming in but I completely ignored them as I continued driving towards the school. Finally arriving I parked the car before grabbing my phone getting out of the car and walking towards the gym. Slamming the gym door open all eyes were on me but at that moment I could give exactly zero fucks.

I looked around the gym before I finally saw where Kuroo was standing looking at me with a confused. I angrily walked towards him before smacking him as hard as I could. He touched his cheek before staring at me in pure confusion and anger, "Why did you smack me for?" I glared at him before speaking "You have no right to be upset you fucking asshole. You fucking cheated on me with your so-called best friend. Two fucking years Kuroo. Can't believe I wasted two years on your disgusting ass." I said angrily. He smirked before speaking up, "You don't even have proof" I stared at him before bursting out in laughter and pulling out my phone displaying the picture Mori has sent me, "So much for not having evidence, huh?" I said. His jaw dropped before I turned around towards the other teams, "So much for being a good guy, huh?"

With that, I walked out without saying anything else. Just as I was about to get into my car I heard someone yelling wait. I turned around to see a guy with white and black hair and golden eyes who was pretty tall running towards me. He huffed a bit of air before he spoke up, "Can I please see the photo?" I stared at him for a moment before I nodded my head and pulled out my phone to store the picture. He stared at it with wide eyes before he suddenly pulled me into a hug. I froze at the hug before I finally broke down. He gently played with my hair as I cried onto his chest.

He waited until I was calm enough to speak up, "Honestly fuck him. I don't understand why he would ever cheat on anyone but you don't need him" I stared up at him before nodding my head. We pulled away from the hug before he gently smiled at me, "Are you feeling a bit better now?" I nodded my head and smiled softly. "Names Bokuto Koutarou, and you?" "Yaku (M/n)" I replied softly. He nodded before speaking up once again, "Hope we can become friends" he said smiling brightly.

*time skip*

It's been about a year and a half since Kuroo and I last spoke or seen each other and since Bokuto and I started talking and getting to know each other. It was my high school graduation day and I was extremely excited to finally be out of high school. I hummed a bit as I got ready for the assembly when I heard my phone ring. Looking down I saw Bokuto texted me.

Bo💕✨: Hey (N/n), I don't think I'll be able to make it. I'm so so sorry I did want to be there but I got caught up in a volleyball game. ❤️

BbyOwl💕✨: It's okay Bo. Thank you for telling me though. Let's do something when you free also win for me okay?❤️

Bo💕✨: Okay (N/n). Again I'm sorry I'll make sure to treat you to a good meal. Ttyl❤️

BbyOwl💕✨: Ttyl Bo❤️

Putting my phone down I finished up getting dressed before I walked downstairs. I saw Mori smiling softly at me before he drove me towards the school. I got with my class and got ready to celebrate my graduation and listened to the director go on and on about our futures. Once he finished his speech the class president did his before we threw out graduation caps up in the air and hugged and congratulated each other.

I walked out of the assembly room before I began looking around for Mori. I pouted when I didn't see him but I continued looking around. Getting closer towards the exit of the school I still couldn't find Mori but I did hear a bit of commotion. Walking towards where the commotion was coming I gasped as Bokuto stood there in all his glory with a suit on and holding a bouquet of (f/f). Once we made eye contact he smiled softly before opening his arms. I ran into them before we hugged each other tightly, looking up at him I spoke up, "I thought you wouldn't be able to make it Bo" he chuckled before speaking, "I wanted to surprise you" I smiled brightly. He gently laid a hand on my cheek before gently leaning down and pecking my lips.

We pulled apart before he gently pecked my nose, "(M/n) I've had feelings for you since we began to know each other, and if you would do me the honor of becoming my boyfriend it'll make me the happiest person on earth" "I would love too" he smiled before yelling, "HEY HEY HEY HE'S MY BOYFRIEND" he then pulled me into another tight hug leaving me to giggle into his chest.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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