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Character: Osamu Miya
Type: Slight Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: Yeah he's taken
*Mpreg/Parent AU*

(Osamu pov)

I was working in the kitchen when the door opened and my employee walked through it looking distraught. "Hey, boss" "Yes Lilian?" "This guy is claiming that he knows you from high school and that he wants to see you" I sigh a bit before grabbing a rag and wiping my hands clean. I take off my apron which protected my belly from flour and other things. Walking out of the kitchen I see the person my employee was talking about, "Suna? What are you doing here?" His head snapped over to me before his eyes widened. I continued to walk towards him until I was standing in front of him. "Ah sorry it's just I've been trying to get in contact with you and it seems like I could never reach you"

I thought for a moment before speaking up, "Ah I see. Though the reason why you are unable to get in contact with me is that my four-year-old daughter took my phone and dropped it in the toilet." His eyes widened again before he spoke up, "You already have a kid?" I nod my head before pointing at my belly, "And another one is on their way" I stated while smiling softly. "Now come one sit with me. Since the shop isn't busy right now let's catch up." I didn't give him any time to reject my offer because I grabbed his wrist and sat him down on one of the free tables. "So tell me what have you been up to these last few years?" We began to tell each other about what's been going on in our lives but I could tell he was distracted and that he wanted to ask something.

"Suna what's up? I can tell you have something you want to ask" he froze before he sighed and spoke up, "It's just the entire time I've been here and the entire time we've been talking not once did you mention having a lover" he put his hand on mine before continuing, "Listen I've always had feelings for you and if you'd give me a chance I could treat you well." I slipped my hands away before laying them on my stomach. "Sorry if I gave you the impression that I was single but I'm married and happy." He frowned before speaking up again, "Well it doesn't matter because I can treat you way better than him. Plus he doesn't have to know it could be our little secret." I stared at him in complete shock before I stood up and glared at him, "Like I said before I'm taken and I'm not interested in cheating on the love of my life."

"Yeah he's taken so I strongly suggest you back the fuck off my husband" I heard the familiar voice of my husband. I looked behind me to see my husband glaring at Suna with our daughter in his arms. "You have a whole lot of balls to try and get my Samu to cheat on you with me. Oh, and there's no way in hell you could ever treat him better because if we go by how you were getting ready to try and force him to cheat on me with you." (M/n) walked over to me before he gently pulled me into his chest. (M/n) continued to glare at Suna. When Suna saw how (M/n) held me and how angry he was he decided it was best to back off.

"Are you okay?" (M/n) was quick to ask to which I nodded my head. I smiled a bit before he pecked my lips, "I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier." I shook my head before grabbing his face, "It's okay. It's not your fault plus you were picking up Skylar." He nodded his head before he smiled brightly, "I love you so much Samu" "I love you too and our little family"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Iwaizumi Hajime (Omegaverse)

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