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Character: Daichi Sawamura
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Such a cute baby
*Age regression*

(M/n pov)

I hummed a tune from one of my favorite kiddy show as I sat on a picnic blanket and picked flowers. I wanted to regress but my boyfriend/caregiver was currently at volleyball practice. I sighed a bit before I continued to pick flowers and make flower crowns. 'I missed Daichi' I thought. I stood up and shook the dirt off me before walking into my house. I grabbed my phone before texting Daichi.

Baby💕: Daichi, when are you coming home?

I waited for a reply and when I didn't get one I pouted and teared up a bit. I wiped my tears a bit before I walked towards my room. 'Maybe I'll go see him I thought before deciding to go to Daichi's school and see him. I packed a small bag with my paci, blanket, and favorite plush. I walked towards the kitchen and grabbed my bottle and filled it with apple juice and put that in my bag as well. I also grabbed some snacks and put them in the bag before I put them on and grabbed my phone. I slipped my shoes on before I searched the school on my phone for directions before I started walking towards the school.

I hummed as I smiled and waved towards everyone who seemed nice. I looked down at my phone and realized that I was close to the school. I smiled before I sped up my walking so that I could see my boyfriend. The school came into view which made me smile brightly. I stepped onto the campus before looking around to see if I could see anyone who would be able to help me find the gym. Suddenly, I caught sight of a younger boy with orange hair. I walked up to him before tapping his shoulder since he had his back to me. "Oh yes?" He said looking confused. "Um, do you happen to know when the volleyball gym is?" He raised an eyebrow before nodding his head, "I'm going there now. Are you new? Are you going to join the volleyball team? Is that why you need me to show you where it's at?" He kept asking questions as he walked me towards the gym.

When we arrived he smiled at me and pointed at the doors, "It's through here." I nodded and he opened them and I followed after him. Suddenly, I heard the voice of my boyfriend, "Where were you, Hinata? Why were you late?" The boy who I just learned was Hinata seemed to short circuit as he tried to explain everything. I stepped out from behind him before speaking up, "Papa?"

(Daichi pov)

"Papa?" I gasped when I realized my baby was here and he had slipped into little space. I immediately walked over to him before gently pulling him into a hug. "Hey, baby. What are you doing here, darling?" He looked up at me with teary eyes before he stuck his bottom lip out, "I miss chu, papa." I sighed and pinched my nose bridge, "Let me get this straight. You left the house with a backpack full of your stuff and came here because you missed me, baby." He nodded his head while fiddling with his fingers. I placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, "It's okay, baby. I'm just glad you're safe." He smiled up at me while I rolled my eyes and picked him up. I sat down on the bench and looked at the rest of my teammates.

They were all staring at me with raised eyebrows seemingly wondering what was going on. "This is my boyfriend, (L/n) (M/n). Please mind what you say he's an age regressor and currently he slipped." They all nodded their heads. The first years went back to practicing along with the second years. Sugawara and Asahi walked over to me before they smiled softly and patted my back. "Such a cute baby you have there," Sugawara said while smiling softly. I smiled back and gently caressed my baby's face, "I know I do." They rolled their eyes before they left (M/n) and I alone. "Papa?" I heard my baby whisper. "Yes, baby?" He looked up at me before grabbing my hand, "I wuv chu." I chuckled a bit, "I love you too, baby. Now sleep, I know that wall was tiring." With that, he fell asleep on my lap as I continued to watch the rest of the guy's practice.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Kuroo Tetsurou (Age Regression)

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