C.S~ Ushijima

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Character: Ushijima Wakatoshi
Type: Smut💦
Story Name: Good job
Request: _BlueChild_
*Aged up*

(M/n pov)

Ushijima was currently at his team's reunion and I was extremely bored. The reason why I didn't go was that I had something planned to get Ushijima back after he had left me with a boner the other day.

After I knew Ushijima had arrived at the reunion and had been there long enough to where Tendou wouldn't let him out of his sight, I made my way to the bathroom. Taking a shower I went ahead and walked towards the closet grabbing the lingerie I had bought a while ago. With a big smirk on my face, I sat in front of the full-sized mirror before taking a couple of pictures with the lingerie.

 With a big smirk on my face, I sat in front of the full-sized mirror before taking a couple of pictures with the lingerie

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After I picked the best picture I went ahead and sent it to Ushijima with the caption, 'Have fun at the reunion~'. I laid on the bed a patiently waited for a reply. It didn't take too long for Ushijima to call me which was a surprise to me because he never calls me. He talked to me through text most of the time. My smirk got bigger and I answered the call.

"Hello, Ushi~"

"Do you know what you're playing at (M/n)?" He asked in a husky and dark tone.

"Of course I know... master" he growled in response to that. "Are you going to punish me now master?" He didn't say anything and just hung up. That's when I knew I had fucked up.

I nervously sat on the bed waiting for Ushijima to show up because I knew that if I touched myself without any permission my punishment would be increased. I shifted around a bit before I heard the front door open and slam close. Not even ten seconds later Ushijima walked through our bedroom door. I couldn't tell what he was feeling since his face was emotionless.

He walked over to me before raising a hand and gently wrapping it around my neck. He leaned down and whispered in a husky voice, "I don't know whether to punish you or not." I looked up at him with pleading eyes, "You want to know what happened when you sent me that picture kitten? Tendou saw it and he had the fucking audacity to tell me you looked amazing." He pushed me back and made me lay on my back as he hovered over me his hand still around my neck, "I feel like he doesn't know that you belong to my kitten. So how about I wreck you and then take a picture and then send it to him."

He smirked down at me as tears of embarrassment went down my face. "N-no p-please" "Hm I don't think you have a say in this kitten" before I could react he took his hand off me before slipping himself down to the point where he only had underwear. Before turning to me and pointing at his erection, "You know what to do and you better do it well cause if you don't then your punishment will be worst. But if you do good then I might just reward you."

I nodded and turn so that I was laying on my stomach before I gently grabbed the waistband of his boxers and I pulled them down enough to where his length came out. Grabbing the length I licked the tip a bit before I took the head into my mouth swirling my tongue around it I couldn't help but moan a bit when I heard Ushijima groan. I took my mouth of it before licking the underside of his length. I licked from his balls up to his tip before doing it again this time following one of the veins. Ushijima groaned louder and grabbed the back of my head when I put my mouth around his tip again.

I looked up at him while swirling my tongue around it again. "I'm going to face fuck you now, you know what to do if it gets too much" I nodded my head before pulling up and taking a deep breath in just before I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out. Ushijima placed his length in my mouth just before he began thrusting into my mouth. The pace wasn't rushed and it was making me moan. He kept increasing the pace and how much he was putting in my mouth making my eyes roll to the back of my head.

He grunted and kept looking down to make sure I was okay. I looked up at him, "S-shit kitten I'm c-close" I hollowed my cheeks as his hips stuttered, and his length throbbed and twitched in my mouth just before he came in my mouth. He slowly pulled out of my mouth and I made sure nothing came out. I looked up at him before I swallowed and stuck my tongue out for him to see that I swallowed it. He smirked at me before gently caressing my face, "Such a good kitten for master, huh? Only for me right?" In a hoarse voice, I responded, "Y-yes o-only for you master" "Good kitten"

"Now for a reward, kitten" he picked me up before he sat me on his lap. He pulled down my underwear a bit before grabbing my cock and slowly jerking me off, "Look at you kitten" he made me look at myself in the mirror. I moan as he sped up his hand. His other hand slid up my stomach before sliding it underneath my bra. He began rubbing and playing with my nipple.

"N-no m-master please not both" he ignores me and sped up his movements and kissed my shoulder before beginning to leave love bites and hickeys all over my neck. I moan as my hips stuttered a bit, "M-master I'm c-close" "Cum for me kitten" and just like that those four words in his husky voice caused me to moan and cum all over his hand.

He didn't say anything as he grabbed some tissue and cleaned me up before grabbing the shirt he threw on the floor and put it on me. He fixed my lingerie and laid me on the bed. He fixed himself before he laid down next to me. He brought me close to his chest before gently playing with my hair, "I love you kitten and you did such a good job today. I'm sorry if I was too rough"

I smiled at him before my eyes began closing a bit, I whispered out in a hoarse voice, "I love you too Ushi and it's okay" he pecked my forehead before I buried my face in his chest falling asleep in his arms.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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