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Character: Bokuto Koutarou
Type: Angst💔
Story Name: Never forget
*Mafia AU*
⚠️Mentions of things that may be triggering please proceed with caution⚠️

(M/n pov)

It was like any other day at the Fukurondani house. I woke up in Bokuto's arms with him gently playing with hair and whispering sweet nothings in my ear. "Good morning baby owl. Did you sleep well?" He asked to which I nodded my head. He chuckled a bit at the lack of response knowing full well that I'm not a morning person and that'll I'll never be a morning person. He picked me up bridal style before bring me into the bathroom. We bathed before brushing our teeth and getting dressed.

Walking out of our shared bedroom we passed by members and bowed to show their respect to their leader and me. According to Bokuto disrespecting me is like disrespecting him which could end up in punishment. Bokuto and I made it to the dining room and began to have our breakfast while Bokuto made some important calls to different mafia groups. It wasn't long until Akaashi burst through the door a clear injury to his thigh. Bokuto and I looked at each other before I ran towards Akaashi. Taking off his shirt I wrap it around his wound to stop the bleeding.

With an angry look on his face, Bokuto spoke up, "Akaashi, what happened to you?" Seemingly ignoring his wound Akaashi stood up and with urgency and worry in his voice, he said, "Nekoma are attacking us right now" and just as if on cue the sounds of screaming and gunshots were heard. Bokuto turned towards me before picking up Akaashi and grabbing my wrist. He took me and Akaashi towards our shared bedroom before walking towards the closet. Opening it he shoved us inside along with three guns and a first aid kit. He was about to walk away but he turned around and grabbed my face before giving me a passionate kiss.

"Akaashi there's a hidden backroom. Do me a favor and protect (M/n) with your life. And if I don't come back (M/n) know that I'll always love you and that even on my last breath you were all I thought about." Before I could even get a word in he was gone. Akaashi grabbed onto me and dragged me to the hidden room before closing the door. We watched from the monitors as everything went down. I couldn't help but feel my heart drop every time Bokuto stepped out of frame. Hearing a groan behind me I turn to see Akaashi trying to take the bullet out of his leg.

Without much hesitation, I grabbed onto some tweezers and began helping him. In no time I had the bullet out of his thigh and was stitching it up. "Will you be okay, Akaashi?" I asked to which he nodded his head before speaking, "I'll be okay thanks to you." I nodded my head before turning back over to the monitors only to see the horrific scene of Bokuto cornered up and the rest of the guys dead on the floor. I grabbed the gun and got ready to fight beside my lover only to get stopped by Akaashi. I was about to yell at him to let me go but he covered my mouth and in a low whisper said, "Did you think I was going to let you go do that? Bokuto wouldn't want you to be there he would want you said safe and without the worry of you dying in the hands of some lowlife."

I stared at him before I heard a loud gunshot come from the monitors which made me flinch and turn towards them only to see Bokuto on his knees with blood dripping down his chin. It was quite enough to where I heard him say, "(M/n) I love you so so much. And to think today I was going to ask you to marry me. Instead, I'm leaving this world without telling you a proper goodbye" I began uncontrollably crying as he fell forward a pool of blood forming around him. I could feel my entire world stop as I heard the distant cheers of the Nekoma group as they walked off without getting anything from our house.

Once Akaashi deemed it safe he gently directed me towards the place Bokuto's body was at. Once I saw him I broke down once again and fell to my knees right next to him. I turn him on his back before laying him on my thighs. "No no Bo wake up, please. You have to wake up for me. Please you have to ask me to marry you. You have to ask me if I want to spend the rest of my life please, please. Don't go I love you too much to lose you please please" I leaned my forehead against his cold one as tears continued running down my face, "I'll never forget all those wonderful times I had with you Bo I'll love you forever and always"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes. I lowkey cried a bit but we're not going to talk about it in

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