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Character: Tanaka Ryuunosuke
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Calm the fuck down

(Tanaka pov)

I felt myself being shaken awake by my husband. I groaned and opened my eyes and looked at my husband with confusion swirling in my eyes. "Yes, button. Do you need anything?" He hummed before he laid his head on my chest while giving me his big adorable puppy eyes. I sighed a bit before gently caressing his beautiful face. He gave me a small smile before he spoke up in a hushed tone, "The baby and I want some meat buns from your ex-coaches store." I stared at him for a moment trying to see whether or not he was playing with me. When his smile didn't falter I knew there was no getting out of buying those for him. I sighed again and reluctantly nodded my head. He cheered and gently pecked my cheek, "Thank you, Ryu. We both love you a lot."

I stood up from the bed with a chuckle, "I love you both more." He pouted which made me want to kiss him so I did just that. I leaned down and pecked his lips before speaking up, "Come on button. Don't go pouting it makes me want to kiss you." He blushed a bit before he also stood up from the bed. I had to stifle a chuckle as I saw him struggle a bit. I knew he was struggling because he was now 9 months pregnant and could pop at any moment. I smiled and walked around the bed and help him up, "There you go button. Let's get ready for our day so I can quickly go and get your meat buns." He nodded in agreement before I helped him walk to our shared bathroom.

I ran a bath for the both of us before I turned back to the sink and picked up my toothbrush. We brushed our teeth and I began doing his facial routine. After applying the last layer of moisturizer. I walked back over to the bath and turned it off. After making sure the water temperature was just right, I began helping him take his clothes off and get into the bathtub. I took my clothes off before getting into the bathtub and sitting behind him. I gently bathed him and gave his sore muscles a massage. "I love you so much, Ryu. You're the perfect husband and I know you're going to be an amazing dad once this little guy is born" he said while sobbing a bit. I place butterfly kisses on his neck before whispering, "I love you too, button. Thank you for the encouraging words but I'm just doing what's right and treating you like my king is the way to go. Now come on button we need to get out the bathtub."

Once we got out of the bathtub, I wrapped him up in a towel. I walked him out of the bathroom before I sat him down on the bed. He was on his phone as I got myself ready. Just as I was putting on my shirt I heard the sound of water droplets and my husband scream. I put my shirt on and saw my husband looking at me with shock on his face. I didn't move until he leaned forward and yelled, "Fucking shit Ryu get a fucking move on this kid is coming." I grabbed his other robe and wrapped him in it before grabbing the hospital bag and taking him to the car and driving us to the hospital.

We went through the labor ward and they immediately got him into a room with me following after them. He was laying on the bed as I held into his hand. I'm guessing he could tell I was extremely nervous because he spoke up, "Calm the fuck down Ryu you're not the one having a child. You're making me nervous." I chuckled nervously as I took out my phone and texted the group chat and informed them that the baby was coming. Noya was the first one to reply with 'I wanna be the godfather'. I sighed before putting my phone away.

*time skip*

I ended up passing out halfway through everything and got woken up by some nurses. I looked around the room before seeing the most wonderful sight. My husband holding our little boy while softly smiling. I stood up and walked over to them. (M/n) looked at me and smiled softly, "Ryu meet Tanaka Akio. Our beautiful little boy." I teared up before leaning down and kissing both Akio's and (M/n)'s forehead. "I love you both so much," I said as I smiled down at both of them. "We love you too Ryu but don't think being all cute now is going to get you out of me telling our son that you fainted while I gave birth when he's older." I pouted a bit but nodded reluctantly knowing there was no getting out of it.

'I love my little family' I thought as I smiled softly.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Brother! Tendou Satori x Aone Takanobu (Mafia AU)

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