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Character: Koganegawa Kanji
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: My giant cutie

(M/n pov)

I let out a sigh out of exhaustion as I began my drive home after leaving work. Work was getting harder each day because both I and the alpha inside me missed our omega. He has been traveling with his team the Sendai Frogs for games. We call whenever we can but it's not enough. I want to be able to treat him to meals, kiss him, cuddle him and tell him how much I love him. I still remember when I first met Kanji. I was at my parent's house for a week to see them and my younger brother when they told me that he left his knee pads and ask me to bring them to him. When I arrived at the gym I had slammed the door open and when I had started to look around for Nobu and my eyes caught sight of the most gorgeous omega on earth.

Even though he was way taller than me the sight of him completely drew me in. At the end of the day he got drawn to me as well and we ended up dating in his third year when he turned 18 since he was still young when we had first met. And now here we are a couple of years later. I had asked him to marry last year on his 21st birthday and luckily he said yes. We are now engaged and I'm working on my company and being a CEO while he's playing volleyball. I was so into my thoughts that it wasn't till I was pulling up into my driveway that I was home. I sighed and grabbed my briefcase before getting out of my car. I walked inside of the house before putting down my briefcase, taking off my shoes and coat before I closed the front door.

I began my walk towards our shared bedroom before I grabbed some PJ and walked towards the bathroom. I took a quick shower before I put some sweatpants on. I began drying my hair with a towel before I walked towards the walk-in closet. I opened the door and immediately dropped my dirty laundry and the towel. Inside the closet was my sleeping omega laying in a handmade nest of a mix of my clothes and his. I cautiously walked inside before I sat down on the floor about three feet away from his nest. "Kanji, baby, wake up" he stirred a bit before he looked at me and gave me a small smile. I almost burst into tears. I missed him so freaking much.

"Hi (M/n)" he said before tapping a spot on the nest. I crawled inside of the nest before pulling the omega into my arms and pressing my forehead against his. "I missed you so much, my omega" he giggled before pecking my nose, "I missed you too, my alpha." He laid his head on my chest while I played with his hair. We talked about anything and everything while laying in his nest. "Baby?" He hummed as an answer. "I'm glad you're having fun while playing volleyball. I'm glad your teammates treat you well but I missed you so much. I can't wait for the day we have our big wedding, my giant cutie. I hope I can bring you on that vacation I know you've always wanted to go to. I hope that I become the husband and alpha you need and want." I could hear the low purr of excitement and love come from him making me smile a bit. "I know you'll treat me well alpha. I mean you already have these past few years. I love you so much. You are the most amazing person."

He leaned up and pecked my lips. "I love you, my cutie." I smiled softly as he blushed a bit, "I love you too."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Tsukishima Kei (Age Regressing)

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