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Character: Terushima Yuji
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Oh you tease

(M/n pov)

I was laying on my bed when I felt a weight on me. I groaned before speaking up, "What the hell, Yu? Get the fuck off me." He chuckled before he grabbed my chin and pulled me into a kiss. The kiss was soft and cute. I felt his tongue piercing touch my bottom lip. I smirked but I pulled away and rolled myself over causing him to fall to the ground. "Ow (M/n)" I giggled before I grabbed his chin and pecked his lips. "Do we have any plans today, Yu?" I asked as I pulled away. He shook his head before he seemed to get an idea, "Would you ever want to get a piercing?" I stayed silent for a moment. "Maybe" I replied while getting up and heading to the bathroom. I began to do my skincare routine when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

I shivered in delight when he kissed my neck. I gently hit his head before I pulled him over to the toilet and sat him down on it. I tied his hair back before I began doing his skincare routine on him. He closed his eyes as he relaxed, "Hey baby?" I hummed as a reply, "Would you want to get a matching piercing with me?" I gently massaged the skin cream into his face, "Sure. I would love to. How about a septum piercing?" He looked surprised but then his face softened and it looked like he fell in love all over again which made me smile. He gently wrapped his arms around my waist which led me to stand between his legs. He laid his chin on my tummy before he spoke up, "You surprise me every day, baby. I think a septum piercing would look amazing on both of us, but especially you. I'll set up the appointment." I nodded my head and continued to do our skincare.

*time skip*

I was currently being dragged by my boyfriend to the piercing/tattoo shop. 'He looks like a little kid' I thought with a small smile on my face. We finally arrived and when we walked inside I saw what looked like gangsters inside. Suddenly, Yuji let go of my hand before one of the guys walked up to him. They seemed like they were about to fight when the guy spoke up. "YUJI!" He said as he opened his arms, "LEO." I watched as my boyfriend was pulled into a hug by the older man with a small smile on my face. They let go of each other before Leo turned to me and pointed at me, "Is this the boy you told us about last time you were here?" Yuji blushed a bit before he nodded his head. Yuji walked over to me before he wrapped his arm around my waist, "(M/n) met Leo the owner of the shop. Leo met (M/n) my boyfriend."

I smiled and bowed, "Nice to meet you. I'm guessing you guys are here for matching couple piercings." We nodded our heads. "Okay Yuji, you go with Liam and I'll take care of your boyfriend's piercing." Once Yuji left with Liam, Leo brought me to the piercing room. "Can I ask how you knew of me?" I said immediately, getting his attention. "Well first off take a seat on the chair" I nodded my head and took a seat. He began to sanitize everything and sat down and got ready to do my piercing. "To answer your question. When Yuji came to get his tongue piercing he seemed to be having trouble with something. When I asked him what was wrong he told me that he had a crush on a guy and that every time he tried to get close to him and flirt the guy would walk away from him." I chuckled at that as he pierced my nose and put the jewelry in my nose.

He patted my back and spoke up again, "I'm glad you two finally got together." I smiled and spoke up, "Do you think you could give me another piercing?" He looked surprised but he nodded his head and asked which one, "Can I get a tongue piercing?" He smiled and nodded his head.

*time skip*

I walked out of the room and saw Yuji talking with the other guys. He turned towards me before smiling brightly, "Hey baby, how was it?" I shrugged, "It went well but I have a surprise for you" he looked at Leo who shrugged before he looked at me. I simply stuck my tongue out before I paid Leo and ran out of the store leaving him standing there in a daze. Suddenly, I heard him running after me, "Oh you tease." He yelled as he continued to run after me while I just laughed loudly. Once he finally caught up to me, he grabbed me and picked me up, and twirled me around. I giggled loudly as he set me down on the ground, "I love you so much, baby" he said while smiling softly at me. "I love you too, Yuji" I replied smiling just as softly.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Kenma Kozume

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