Miya Twins

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Character: Miya Atsumu and Miya Osamu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: We care
Request: fanficz0z

(M/n pov)

I let out a huff as my migraine got worse. I haven't been getting enough sleep because mid-year exams are happening at any moment. I made my way through the school's door only to be met with my two boyfriends looking extremely worried about me. Atsumu was the first one to wrap his arms around me and gently play with my hair. Osamy walks over to us and speaks up, "Love have you been getting enough sleep?" I look down at the ground feeling guilty. Knowing that they worry about me and my health.

I look up at them and when I do they gasp at the same time seeing my dark eye bags and my bloodshot eyes from exhaustion. Atsumu and Osamu made eye contact and after what felt like five minutes of a silent conversation between them they nodded their heads and Atsumu picks me up. I gasp slightly startled by being picked up out of nowhere. "We are taking you home and you are going to sleep" Osamu stated. I shake my head, "Osamu I-i can't afford to miss school, Atsumu I-i doesn't want to fail please let me down." I say but they ignore me.

*time skip*

We have made it to their house and they immediately start working as a team getting me out of my school clothes into one of their shirts. They start playing soft music and put a lavender-scented diffuser on. They change clothes themselves and immediately crawl into bed with me. My face is towards Osamu's chest while my back is towards Atsumu. Atsumu starts playing with my hair softly.

Osamu leans down and pecks my lips softly. "We care about you a lot so please darling takes care of yourself better. We don't want anything bad happening to you because you didn't take good of yourself." I smile at them both and nod my head.

"I love you both so much," I say slowly falling asleep to the warmth the twins created.

"We love you too," they say also falling asleep.

Happy Early Thanksgiving to those that celebrate it. I might be busy tomorrow so here is a story for today. And please enjoy this story. Hope I did well with the request you guys gave me^_^

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