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Character: Kenma Kozume
Type: Angst💔
Story Name: Choose him
Request: toxicqqwaste

(M/n pov)

I hummed a small tune as I made my way to the training camp where the Nekoma team was at. A small smile came to my face as I began to remember how Kenma and I met and when I first asked him out.


I let out a soft sigh when I realized I had messed up another sketch. It wasn't necessarily messed up, it was just not up to my standards. After putting the sketch away I went on my way home. As I walked out of the school ground I knocked into something or more like someone. I groan as I get up from the floor gently rubbing my sore butt. I look up and my breath catches in my throat.

In front of me was the most handsome guy I'd have ever seen. He had blond hair with black roots and these captivating golden eyes. I blush bright red before bowing, "S-sorry I didn't mean to bump into you" I squeak out. "It's fine," he said before beginning to walk away. I walked back home with a giant blush.

After that, I kept seeing him around. I after seeing him a couple more times I decided to finally grow some and talk to him. After that we became friends and it was a really good friendship.

*time skip*

It's been about four months since Kenma and I became friends. And I finally decided that I want to confess.

It is the day before I confess and I was spending my time inside of the kitchen making Kenma's favorite food, apple pie. 'I hope he likes it, I've burned and cut myself a couple of times to make the perfect pie' I began humming finishing up the pie and cleaning.

Next day~

It was now the day that I was going to confess. It was Saturday so we didn't have any school and I asked Kenma to meet me at the park. I sat on the bench kicking my legs back and forth out of nervousness.

"(M/n)?" I heard the voice of the boy I had fallen in love with. I smile and wave him over he sat next to me playing on his PSP. "Hi, kenma" "Hi" he replied. "Um w-well I asked you to come here because I have something to tell you" he stopped playing his game and stared at me silently telling me to continue.

"Um well first of I made you apple pie since I know it's your favorite and yes it's from scratch" his eyes widen and seemed to sparkle. "And u-um the second thing is that... I like you and wanted to ask if you wanted to be my b-boyfriend?" He looked at me before smiling, "I like you too and sure"

Flashback end~

I smile brighter at the thought of being able to see Kenma again, in my hand, there was a container of a freshly baked apple pie. Skipping into the area that Kuroo told me they were in but my smile dropped along with the pie as I witnessed something I never thought I would.

Kenma kissing an orange-haired boy with the teams cheering and congratulating them on becoming a couple. I step closer and when the Nekoma team saw me their eyes went wide. "(M/n)?!?" They all shouted.

Kenma turned towards the direction I was standing in. His eyes wide as he realized I had seen everything.

I give him a strained smile with tears in my eyes. "Congratulations on your relationship. Hope you guys are happy." I turn towards the guy he kissed. "I hope he doesn't cheat on you ever as he did on me." I look back at Kenma, "Good job choosing him" and with that, I turned around and began to leave. Once I knew I was away from their prying eyes, I ran as fast as I could. I heard my name being called but I ignored it.

I finally stopped running as I made it to a park. I began to cry harder as I fell into the grass. "(M/n)?" I heard the voice of Kuroo say. Suddenly, I felt arms wrap around my body. "I'm sorry, I knew you wouldn't believe me if I told you Kenma was cheating. Trust me when I say I wouldn't want you to ever get hurt." I continued to cry into his chest as he whispered sweet nothing into my ear. "It's okay, I'm here for you now" after I calmed down Kuroo spoke up again. "Please don't cry a beautiful person like you shouldn't cry" he wiped my tears before kissing my forehead.

"Kenma had no right choosing him. When he had the world in his reach. It doesn't have to be now and of course, you can take you time but I wanted to tell you, I've had feeling for you for a while. It was before you had started dating Kenma and I never had the confidence to tell you but now I hope I can be your shoulder to cry on and be the rock you need until you tell me you reject me or accept my feeling."

I look at Kuroo before speaking up, "Thank you so much Kuroo" "No problem chibi-chan"

I hope you guys enjoyed it. This honestly hurt to write I almost cried twice but yeah. I love you my sweet potatoes

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